I’ve heard it said that a large part of success in life is in just showing up. But I think that just because you show up, doesn’t necessarily mean you get anything done.
In reality, once you’ve shown up, you have to perform... in other words, you have to do the work, in order to get results, right?

So, doing is just as important as showing up.
So far, the two parts of our success equation are showing up and doing.  

But now I’m going to add one more factor to this success recipe:
The third factor is consistency.

I looked up the word consistency, and here’s what I found…
Consistency is the achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.

Let’s break that down into simpler terms. In other words, you have to do the work, but at a steady level of performance, again and again, over a period of time. That’s being consistent.

Think about how this applies to your workouts. Drawing on our success formula, the first step is showing up. That’s right, you actually have to get into the gym. We all have days when we don’t want to go to the gym, but we make ourselves go if we want to see results.

The second step is actually doing the workout. Again, this can be a challenge on certain days, but you’ll find that if you just start, more often than not, you’ll start feeling better and the workout becomes easier. Some of the best workouts I’ve ever had started with my not really wanting to work out but as I got warmed up, I got more into it and ended up having a great work out.

The final step is consistency. That means doing it again and again, over time, at a high level of performance.  How do you keep yourself motivated to work out intensely day after day?

By experiencing results! Seeing gains, results, progress... is the reward that gives you the motivation to come back to the gym again and again.

To summarize, if you 1) show up, 2) do the work, and 3) do this consistently; then you will see RESULTS.

When you see results it will give you the motivation to do it all over again. It becomes a cycle that you keep doing.  This week, try this simple approach to your training program and see how over time it improves your results. You’ll be glad you did!
1 Rule To Create and Strengthen Your Motivation

"When your brain is focused on what you get from making changes, you’ll be highly motivated to change. Once your brain starts focusing on the work it takes to change, your motivation to change will disappear."

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Christopher Cox lost 23 lbs and 8% Body Fat

"Before the challenge I was struggling with depression and anxiety, a major part of which could be attributed to poor diet and lack or exercise. I felt disgusted with my body and knew that everyday I was shortening my life with my poor choices. I have found a new level of happiness with the success that I have made in the short 90 day period. My depression and anxiety is all but gone and I feel a new hope for my life. The changes I have made to my eating habits have made me feel clear and focused and I cannot go a day without some form of exercise. Despite the obvious change in my physic during the challenge the emotional success has been more powerful in my daily life and I am so excited to continue the journey."

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States