"I can’t work out because the gyms are closed.... I’m stuck at home, and I’m feeling sorry for myself, so I may as well turn on the TV and eat whatever I want."

Sound familiar? This is a reality for many of us today, during this time of Covid-19 isolation.

It’s too easy to slip into this kind of thinking. We have to acknowledge that things are different, and in some cases have become more difficult.

But I want to challenge you this week to eliminate the word "can’t" from your thinking, and start asking yourself "how?"

"How can I work out? How can I get exercise? How can I keep myself healthy?" Spend some time thinking about these questions.

By asking yourself "How?," you open yourself up to possibility thinking. It gets your creative mind engaged, and it is the start of positive actions. Remember that you are in control of your thoughts. If you say "I can’t" then quite literally, you cannot.

On the other hand, if you ask yourself "HOW can I?" you’re halfway to finding options that will improve your life and enjoyment.
So next time you find yourself thinking you can’t, instead ask yourself "how can I?"
I’m willing to bet that you will surprise yourself.

Make it a positive week!

How to Beat Emotional Eating

If you’re staying home and getting a little stir crazy, you’re not alone. We all respond differently when our daily routines are turned upside down.

I want to share some ideas about emotional overeating. This is when you eat more than you should or eat the wrong things in response to stress, boredom, or other factors.

The process that leads to emotional overeating typically breaks down to these three steps...read on to learn these steps and how to combat emotional overeating.

30 Ways to Improve Your
Mindset: COVID 19 Edition

Learning to pivot in times like today are crucial to the survival of personal health, wealth and happiness, are crucial in times like today. Learn how to feed your mind, body, and soul on a daily basis, and ways to strengthen these pillars!

10 Food Ingredients to Avoid
If You Want to Get Lean

When you are trying to get lean, often times what you don’t eat is just as important as what you eat. Certain foods impair your ability to lose fat and build lean muscle. Read and learn what to avoid!

Anthony McCartney lost 45 lbs and 22% Body Fat

"My story is one of defeat, perseverance, and success. I have been where so many others currently stand, feeling tired and hopeless, as though their goals are unattainable. Last year I entered the 2019 Lean Body Challenge at 275 lbs. I didn’t adhere to the program, frequently cutting corners, refraining from social media participation, and trying to exclude nutrition from the equation. By week 12, I had thrown in the towel. For the remainder of the year, I worked to embrace some of the Labrada principles I had previously neglected and make positive changes to my health.

As 2019 came to an end, I was down 43 lbs and I told myself I would try again at the Lean Body Challenge, this time fully committing myself to the process. Now, down another 45 lbs in the last 12 weeks, I am proof that the Lean Body program works. If you dedicate yourself to the process, put in the hard work, and take advantage of all the tools Labrada Nutrition has to offer (social media support, newsletters, health and fitness articles, recipes, etc.) you can optimize your results and reach your goals.

I lost a total of 88 pounds because of the Lean Body Challenge and the inspiration it has provided. This achievement has motivated me to do things I never thought possible for myself. I plan on competing in the OCV Battle of the Great Lakes Naturals 2020 competition in September and have started partnering with a few friends and colleagues who are early in their fitness journeys to help them find success within the Lean Body Challenge for themselves.

I define a winner not solely based on individual accomplishments, but the actions taken to empower and inspire greatness within others. I have experienced great success within this challenge, and it is now my privilege to encourage and motivate others to realize their potential and achieve their own goals.

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States