Hi, it’s Lee Labrada. I took the liberty of looking up the word “motivation” in the dictionary, and here is what I found; Motivation is the reason one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Over the years I’ve heard many people tell me that they just can’t get motivated, whether it’s starting a new diet, fitness program, or getting ready for a bodybuilding competition.

At the start, it just seems like an overwhelming amount of work. Well I’m not going to kid you, it is a lot of work, but the journey of 1000 miles begins by taking one step.

And after that, as my Dad, Ele, used to say it’s about putting one foot in front of the other and you just keep going!

What I have found over the years, is that motivation comes as a result of taking an action, it’s not the cause of the action.
Let me explain...

Taking action by starting an activity, even if you do it in very small ways, will inspire you to take further steps and that will produce momentum.

The Big Mo! Momentum. The whole idea is that once you get started it’s harder to stop. You don’t need as much motivation once you’ve started a behavior.

Nearly all of the resistance is at the beginning. Imagine that your car runs out of gas and you have to get out and push it to the corner. When you first start pushing it’s very heavy and very slow going but as you start getting a little momentum it becomes easier.

So it’s like this whenever you start any new activity. After you start, you begin to make progress and it’s easier to keep it going than it was to start it in the first place.

So whenever you’re faced with starting something, whether it’s a new diet, a workout, or getting ready for a competition, just do like I do and take a small step towards that goal.

That will set you up psychologically and inspire you to take the next step, and it will become easier to keep going.

I hope that this week you will tackle a new challenge that you have ahead of you by taking that important first step. You’ll be glad you did.

Make it a healthy week!

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Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States