Hey guys, Lee Labrada here. I want to talk to you a little bit about one of my favorite quotes by an author named James Allen. James Allen wrote a book at the turn of the century called As a Man Thinketh.

I’m going to paraphrase the Alan quote, and here it is: “Your mind is like a garden which you can either cultivate or allow to run wild; but whether you cultivate it or you neglect your mind, it must and will bring forth fruit. If you don’t plant any useful thoughts into your mind then, an abundance of useless weeds will grow there and will continue to produce more weeds.”

Everything that we do in life starts first as a thought. Thoughts lead to actions, and your actions have consequences for you, whether good or bad.

And that is why it’s so important to control our thoughts. We constantly have this chatter of thoughts going on in our minds. This can be a positive stream of thoughts, or it can be a negative stream of thoughts.

Successful people choose to nurture their positive thoughts. That doesn’t mean that they don’t have negative thoughts. It just means that when they do, they push them out, and instead replace them with a positive thought.

When a successful person has a negative thought pop into their mind such as, “This is too much, I’ll never be able to do it,” they catch themselves, stop, and change the tone of their inner conversation right away.

So they’ll follow that initial thought with, “I can do this if I’m willing to try. I’ve overcome bigger challenges before. Let me write down some things I can do right now to make this happen.”

That’s one example of cultivating a successful mindset. There are many more.
But they all consist of first refusing the negative thought, and the fear that comes with it. And secondly, refocusing on a positive thought that requires small positive actions you can take right away.

Remember that your mind is like a garden. Negative thoughts are like weeds. Pull them out when they cross your mind. Literally, imagine yourself bending over and pulling out that weed of a thought!

Positive thoughts are the seeds of beautiful results that will happen in your life. Cultivate those thoughts, hang on to them and nourish them. Imagine yourself watering and tending to those thoughts in the garden of your mind.

In closing, I’m going to leave you with one of my favorite scriptures:
“Finally brothers whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

Make it a great week!
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Bobby Roberts lost 25 lbs & 11% Body Fat

"My physical success has been a leaner physique and more energy. My main emotional success was overcoming fast food addiction. I am already a winner because of the success I've had with my mind and body changes, which I've never been able to accomplish in the past."

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States