Hi ,

I went out to dinner with my wife Robin last night at a great new restaurant that we were trying for the first time. The way the items on the menu were described literally had my mouth watering. (Where do they hire these people to write entree descriptions anyway?!)

"Oh boy, I’m really going to blow my diet if I’m not careful," I thought to myself. "Hmmmm... the grilled fish... or the New York strip with butter topping?"

We’re all faced with dietary decisions on a daily basis. How do you decide? What I’ve found is best is to use is context and moderation. Context means asking yourself, "What have I had to eat today? Over the last few days?" You may feel better having the New York strip if you haven’t had beef in two weeks, for instance.

Moderation means keeping your portion size under control. "Do I need a 16oz New York strip? Or can I get my craving met with a leaner, 8oz filet?"

Keep these two factors, context and moderation, in mind as you make your dietary decisions each day. You’ll make better choices, and you won’t go feeling deprived all the time.

Be sure to check out Keith Klein’s article, "Changing Your Body by Changing your Viewpoint." It’s a real eye-eye-opener of great ideas you can put into action today.

By the way, I chose the grilled fish. :)
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Bruce Wasserman lost 17 lbs & 5.7% Body Fat

"The program itself was challenging and yet each challenge that I overcame felt like a battle won in the best possible way… with no casualties! The joining of intense challenge, the self-satisfaction and sense of ease at the completion of each workout, and the positive reward of success was what kept me coming back for more. As the program progressed, I could see improvements in my body, showing me that my goals were something I could actually reach."

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States