Hi ,

One common complaint that we hear from our Lean Body Coaching clients is "I don’t have time to work out".

In all but the rarest circumstances, I can show them why they actually DO have more time than they think, and certainly enough time to work out.

Let’s do some quick math. Let’s say that you normally sleep eight hours. That leaves 16 waking hours to work with. Let’s assume that it takes you 30 minutes to work out. There are 960 minutes in 16 hours. 30 minutes divided by 960 equals 3.1%.

I would challenge anyone to look me in the eye and say that they can’t invest a little more than 3% of their waking hours into working out, if they are serious about changing their bodies and improving their health.

So at this point, we can all agree that it’s not a huge amount of time. Now let’s turn our attention to easy ways for us to free up that time in our day.

Start by looking through your daily routine to identify habits that are not productive. For examples: This could be reading the newspaper in the morning, or sitting down and watching TV at night.

If you are like most people, you can find 30 minutes in your day, which you could perhaps be better utilizing in a constructive habit... like working out. Once you have identified time in your daily routine, then PLAN your day.

I have found through personal experience that the easiest way to ensure that you get your workout time in, is to plan it into your day.

Structure your day, setting a time each day to do your workout, in the same way as you would set any important appointment, like a doctor's visit. Put your workout time into your mobile device calendar, and set an alarm for it. Once that time comes, do not make any excuses to postpone the workout. Just get into it!

I hope that this week you guys will recommit yourself to working out. It’s a constructive habit that pays off in huge dividends in terms of your appearance and health!

If you want one-on-one help with your nutrition and exercise program, we can help. Be sure to check out our Lean Body Coaching program at www.leanbodycoaching.com.

Cardio or Weight Training First?
If you are trying to develop a leaner and more muscular physique, then you are probably engaging in both, weight training and cardio training. In a perfect world you would have two separate workouts in one day, which is not feasible for most. This begs the question "should I do my cardio first or weights first?" Read on to find out which order is optimal, and why!
4 Ways to Avoid Being a January-Only Gym Goer

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Should You Use Caffeine
Before Your Workout?

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Kyle McBay lost 3.5 lbs & 8% Body Fat

"The biggest challenge was that I had to change my daily routine to fit the workouts in. I am not a morning person, but I got up every day at 5:50 to complete my workouts before getting ready for work. I decided to put myself first and would get to work later than normal if I had to in order to complete a workout. Once the routine took hold, the mornings got much easier. Right in the middle of the challenge we went on a last minute trip to visit family in Florida. I stuck to the schedule and still got up every morning and joined a gym for the week to get my workouts in."

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States