Hi ,

I was at the doctor’s office the other day, and I noticed a female patient struggling with the digital check-in kiosk. This medical office had an automated check-in to make it easier for patients. Except in this case, the woman was fighting the technology.

At one point she complained to the staff "I’m too old to do this... "

Which perhaps wouldn’t have been so unusual if she had been 75 or 80 years old, or compromised in some way, but what struck me was that she couldn’t have been more than 50 years old. The attendant smiled and helped her and she was on her way.

But it made me stop to think about how many of us give up attitudinally, way before nature slows us down. The same thing happens when it comes to fitness programs.

Case in point: I read about a study this week that showed that out of 2000 adults interviewed, 40% of the respondents felt that they were too old to work out regularly. But here’s the rub…

The age where most of the survey felt too old to work out was just 41 years old! What?!

Age was just one of the many speed bumps cited by respondents. The most common complaint was… "not having time." A full 42% of respondents cited their busy daily schedules as the main reason why they could not exercise.

So why am I focusing on the excuses people make to NOT work out?

As we enter the holiday season, our mind ordinarily tends to wander away from exercise and nutrition. We want to enjoy the holiday food and festivities without constraints. Our fallback position becomes "I’ll eat and do whatever I want through the holidays, and then after the new year, I’ll get into shape! I’ll do it this time!"

For those of you who have struggled with wanting to get into shape, only to fail a few weeks later. Trust me, I totally understand. Over my four decades helping people with their eating and fitness programs, I’ve seen it all.

Let us help you make this year different.

To help you increase the odds of your finally getting into shape, my team and I sponsor a yearly Lean Body Challenge which begins in January. This year’s winner is going to walk away with a $10,000 check! The best part is… you don’t have to be in great shape in order to enter.

The Lean Body Challenge is about helping you stay on track to get into your best shape possible. Participants compete against themselves to see how much they can improve in 12 weeks. Let us help you make this the year that you get into the best shape of your life.

And with our new $10,000 grand prize, that should give you an added incentive to stick with the program! Oh, and did I mention… it’s FREE to enter and you will get a FREE 12-week Lean Body Nutrition and Exercise Transformation program?

Pre-Registration for the Lean Body Challenge 2020, opens on Tuesday so keep your eyes on your inbox first thing Tuesday morning.

I hope that you will join us in the Lean Body Challenge on Tuesday we look forward to having you on-board.

It’s more than a competition, it’s a life-changing journey. Mark it on your calendar now, so you’ll be ready to go after the end of the year!

8 Reasons Your Diet Is Not Working.

So you’ve been making great progress on your diet when all of sudden… you stop. Your weight is not budging the scale to go down, your abs are not getting more clearly defined, and all of the happy moments of the prior weeks seem to be evaporating.

What to do? Let’s explore the 8 most common dieting mistakes that trainees make in their quest for a lean body, and what to do to correct them!

6 Tips to Staying Lean
During The Holidays

This time of year, everyone is talking about relaxing, having fun, and eating lots of good food. However, if you do indulge, let's make a deal to YOU ARE GOING BACK on your training and nutrition program. Do we have a deal? Read on to learn how...

10 Simple Tips to Improve
Your Health & Lose Fat

The path to health and fitness is a lifelong commitment. It's about sticking with good habits, no matter how big or small. Here are some little tips and tricks that can make a big difference in your overall health throughout the marathon of life.

Elf On The Shelf: Labrada Style!
An "Elf" on the shelf has been helping out around the Labrada warehouse & office this Christmas season, but wait...Did we just see what we think we saw?
Matthew Wilson lost 25 lbs & 9.9% Body Fat

"At the start of the challenge I was so winded after working out for 30 minutes, and now I can work out for hours at a time. This has made me leaner, stronger, and healthier. Also, when I started the challenge, I was very nervous with my diet. I didn't know what I was going to eat, or if I would even like it. Following your recipes made my wife and I think of some of our own healthy recipes. This made me feel a sense of accomplishment as well closer to my wife emotionally and spiritually."

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States