Hi ,

One of the things that we love to do at Labrada NUTRITION is to have fun while we help thousands of our clients get into great shape. We believe that it should be enjoyable for people to eat nutritiously...and exercise should be fun, not drudgery!

Mind you, any way you slice it, there is work involved in exercise, but I think that the reason that a lot of people stop working out is that they mindlessly go through the motions day after day without adding variety, or socializing with training partners.

As humans, we have a natural affinity for play. This is something that we readily see in children but is often socialized out of us as we get older and become adults.

So in the spirit of playfulness, and in keeping with our culture at Labrada, our marketing department came up with a wonderful, funny new video that I would like to share with you, for the promotion of our new Lean Body Café Mocha with 240 mg caffeine.

We call it "Retro Gym" and it features yours truly, Lee Labrada, a former National bodybuilding champion, with my son Hunter, who is the reigning NPC National bodybuilding champion. Here you’ll see two generations of the Labrada bodybuilders legacy hamming it up for our fans. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did making it for you!

Thanksgiving Goodness Without the Guilt,
How To Keep It Healthy & Happy.

Each year when Turkey Day rolls around, the majority of Americans eat until they feel like Joey Tribbiani wearing his Thanksgiving pants in the hit show Friends. Consuming calories typically eaten across two days or more in just one is a sure-fire way to risk sending your health and wellness goals on vacation until the New Year.

Check out this weeks feature article on how to enjoy the occasion without regretting it for days after.

What is Motivation?
How Can It Be Harnessed?

In order to get motivated to keep up with your workouts, it’s good to start by getting an understanding of what motivation is. Read on to find out about the three different types of motivation and how to apply them to help you reach your goals.

10 Simple Tips to Improve
Your Health & Lose Fat

The path to health and fitness is a lifelong commitment. It's about sticking with good habits, no matter how big or small. Here are some little tips and tricks that can make a big difference in your overall health throughout the marathon of life.

80's Style Morning Workout, Anyone?
Need a good laugh? Watch Hunter roll out of bed to meet Lee for an early morning workout. Watch now to find out how they kick it into gear!
Hearty Turkey Leftovers Casserole
Have leftovers and need a new meal prep idea? Try this LEFTOVER TURKEY OR CHICKEN CASSEROLE! It’s quick, is macro friendly, and ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!
Steven Williams lost 27.4 lbs & 9.9% Body Fat

"My fiancé and I both started this challenge together and both finished together. We were able to push each other week by week to finish successfully. Seeing the body changes along with scale changes helped me finish my challenge. Before starting the challenge I had a full blood work done and my cholesterol was high, my thyroid is hypotensive. After the challenge my cholesterol is perfect, my last blood pressure 116/78 and my thyroid results came back in normal range with taking my thyroid medication. Overall I have more energy and my motivation in the gym has came back. Besides the amazing body changes I have undergone the overall lifestyle change. This challenge is just the beginning!"

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States