Hi ,

"I’m burned out! I just don’t feel like doing this anymore” I can attest to thinking this at least a few times over the years, as it pertains to working out. It seems that all of us face this feeling every once in a while. I’ve been working out since before some of you were born. My clients ask, “Lee, how do you keep it fresh? What keeps you motivated?”

If you start to peel away the layer of my psyche, I think the answers are complicated. What motivated me to start working out at 16 is not the same as what motivated me to stay at the top of the pro bodybuilding ranks for 10 years. And it’s certainly not what motivates me now. Today it’s the desire to look the best I can, to look muscular and athletic, to stay healthy and to live longer.

Different people are motivated by different things. It’s up to you to figure out what motivates you, as it can change over time. I believe that one of the crucial parts of staying motivated to work out is to DEFINE what you CURRENTLY desire from your workouts. Your workouts must be structured to feel rewarding not just on a long term level (“I want to be healthier”) but also on a short term level (“I like the sense of accomplishment that comes from moving the weights around, and the way it elevated my mood”). I think that too often people lose motivation because they fail to think about what constitutes the short term rewards.

Besides focusing on the rewards, I believe that it’s also important to focus on measuring your process if you want to stay motivated. It may be putting a half inch on your arms or losing a half inch from your waistline. Whatever your goal, measure your progress towards it. Use a tape measure, a scale, or even pictures to help you develop concrete feedback. This feedback will encourage you to keep going!

This week take a few moments to take inventory of what you desire from your workouts and start measuring your progress. You’ll find that you feel more energized about going to the gym!
12 Foods & Drinks to Avoid After 40

Forty years old or over, and you’re still full of life! No rocking chairs in sight. The only thing that’s slowed down a bit is your metabolism, but we can help with that. It’s all about staying active, fueling your body with good nutrition, and keeping clear of extra sugars and unhealthy fats. Read on to learn the 12 foods and drinks that you should avoid – or keep to a minimum – to stay fit after 40!

One Simple Way to Change
Your Eating Habits

Our behaviors are working all the time, consciously or subconsciously. Our eating behaviors can set us up for success, or failure. Want to find out about one simple way you can change eating behaviors for the better?

How Caffeine Can
Enhance Your Lifestyle

Coffee has become the world’s most widely consumed beverage. One major “java draw-card” is its stimulant effect. The key ingredient is, of course, caffeine. Read on to learn how caffeine can enhance your life!

Lean Body Protein Pumpkin Cups
It’s that time of the year again where pumpkin invades your life like crazy. Today we take the pumpkin to a new level with these easy to make Protein Pumpkin Cups that are packed with flavor!
John Rich lost 2 lbs & 6% Body Fat

"I believe my transformation as a skinny-fat person to ripped should be a great indicator as to how much I have learned and provide motivation to another individual who is the same body-type as me. With hard work, good nutrition, and great supplements like Labrada Nutrition offers, your dream physique can be achieved."

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