Hi ,

Like many adults, I love to have a glass of wine now and then with dinner. One of my favorite things to do is to "help" my wife, Robin, cook in our kitchen while sipping on a glass of wine.

So I was surprised to see a study today that stated that alcohol and nicotine, and not necessarily caffeine, should be cut at least four hours before bedtime to ensure the quality and quantity of your sleep. What? I had always heard my mom say to never drink coffee after 3 PM if you wanted to sleep well!

The study was led by a researcher at Florida Atlantic University and was published in the journal Sleep. The study basically suggested that it might be that extra glass of wine, along with a late-night cigarette or Vape after dinner that is keeping you up, not the cup of coffee you had at the office at 4 PM!

The study went on to say that while caffeine gets the majority of the bad rap as a sleep interrupting substance, nicotine, and alcohol can have serious negative effects on sleep.
There was a silver lining, however… The researcher went on to say that limiting alcohol consumption to 1-2 glasses of wine with dinner 3 to 4 hours before bedtime will help to minimize any sleep disruption.

It just drives home the fact that moderation and balance are keys to just about any dietary factor and its impact on your health.  We can still have a glass of wine, as long as we don’t overdo it. :)

In our free 12-week Lean Body Transformation Program, we preach balance. That means a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats in the diet, along with a well-rounded exercise program. If you have not already downloaded your free program, you can do it here. Have a great week!
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Christopher Coblentz lost 31 lbs & 12.5% Body Fat

"In the last six years I have gained 40 pounds... so I made it my goal this year to get it back off. I also focused on having a body fat percentage of less than ten percent. I wanted this to be the year that I would finally reach my goal.

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