Hi ,

Have you seen the smartphone app that tells you how much time you’re spending on your mobile device? I recently got one of these, just out of curiosity.

If you don’t have this app, you should get it, because it’s a real eye opener.

Like most people, I skim through Instagram, read articles on the Internet and much more on my smartphone each day. But when I got back the first app report saying that I had spent 6 hours on my smartphone in the first week, it gave me pause to think.

What else could I have spent those 6 hours on? I could have read a book. I could have called a dozen old friends and have spent a half hour catching up with each. Or I could have spent an hour in the gym each day this week working off some of these vacation pounds I’ve added by indulging in my favorite summertime off-diet foods!

The point here is that we all tell ourselves the narrative , "I don’t have time to______" (fill in the blank)

But when we really think about it, we all have many minutes tucked away here or there, that if recaptured, add up to an hour or more per day that we could commit to a productive and self fulfilling activity... like exercising.

This week I’d like to encourage you to take inventory of where you have lost minutes that are waiting to be harvested by you and reinvested into an activity that will give you joy and fulfillment, and in some cases, could be life changing for you.

If you’ve been thinking about getting into better shape but didn’t think you had the time, please get my free 12 week Lean Body program by clicking here. You’d be surprised by how little changes add up to big results over time. Make it a great week!

"Despite the protein craze in the US, the data shows there’s still a big gap in adults’ protein intake," says Christopher A. Taylor, Ph.D., R.D., Associate Professor at The Ohio State University and study author. "Not only were they significantly lacking, but this research was looking at intake against current dietary recommendations, which don’t take into consideration activity, age and illness, when adults may need even more protein."

Check Out Lee's article and video which goes into detail on the subject and provides some easy to follow recommendations to ensure you don't fall short on this important macro nutrient.

Get Abs in 10 Minutes,
3 Days a Week!

Who says you need to spend countless of hours doing thousands of sit-ups in order to get rock hard abs? Get cranking with these 10 Minute Ab Routines now!

How to Naturally Fight
the Aging Process

Let’s all be honest with each other, we don’t want to think about getting old. Here’s what we need to know when looking to naturally fight the aging process.


If you need a delicious, stress-free healthy breakfast on the go, this Lean Body RTD Hack is for you. Warm, creamy oats that set up overnight with the help of your favorite flavor of RTD. Check out how in this video!

Lee Labrada Classic & Arm Workout
Pat hits the gym with an instructional arm workout. Plus, see him front and center on stage as a guest poser at the 2019 Lee Labrada Classic. Just 6 short weeks until Pat will be hitting the Olympia stage!
Scott Evey lost 36.8lbs & 5.1% Body Fat

" My main focus was to gain strength, endurance, and to lose weight. I wanted to gain definition as well as to change my lifestyle. Between working 12 hour days and going to Florida to help my mom it was a little bit difficult to always get in the work I needed and eat properly. I stayed on track with motivational videos, people around me, and discipline.
Even as slow as results were, I could see the changes and took some of the negatives and turned them into fuel to not only complete this but to keep going.

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States