Hi ,

Earlier this week I was speaking with my friend and Labrada Nutrition teammate, Chris Tarwater, comparing notes on his account successes during the week. Chris calls on convenience stores and is helping us to lead the charge in placing our Lean Body RTD protein shakes where more people will be able to benefit from using the shakes to get healthier.

Chris is an extraordinary individual. I say this not just because of his successes with our company, but because of the exemplary way in which he lives his life. Chris has been part of several Christian missionary trips overseas. So as we were talking, I asked him, "Chris, how do you do it? How do you find time for all of these things that you are involved in and where do you get the energy?"

Chris pointed to the side of his head with his index finger said, "It's very simple, Lee. I know that if I tell myself it's impossible, it's true. And if I tell myself it's possible, it's also true. I decide every day whether it's possible and I choose to believe the possible."

We may not all be missionaries to foreign countries, but we are all on a mission to improve ourselves and leading by example, others. That's why you're reading this newsletter. I want to challenge you and me this week to think more like Chris. To believe that your goals are possible, that you can choose to believe they're possible, and then to step forward in faith and take action. Have a great week!
Carb Balancing Act:
Contest Peaking on a Reduced Carb Diet

These days, chances are that if you're watching your waistline, you're also watching your carbs. Carbohydrates are your muscle's preferred source of energy for resistance training, so your diet has to be sufficiently high in carbs to help you power through your workouts. On the other hand, if you consume too many carbs, you could end up singing the Spare Tire Blues. What to do?

In this article, we examine ways that you can use a reduced carb diet with your resistance training to help you get leaner and more muscular faster--- without burning away your hard-earned muscle tissue. This is especially useful in the last weeks before a bodybuilding or physique competition when you are trying to get off the last few stubborn pounds of body fat.

Get Abs in 10 Minutes,
3 Days a Week!

Who says you need to spend countless of hours doing thousands of sit-ups in order to get rock hard abs? Get cranking with these 10 Minute Ab Routines now!

How to Naturally Fight
the Aging Process

Let's all be honest with each other, we don't want to think about getting old. Here's what we need to know when looking to naturally fight the aging process.

On-the-Go Protein Egg Bites

You'll never miss breakfast again with these quick, delicious, protein-packed Egg Bites! This recipe is a great way to make sure you're getting all the nutrients, veggies, proteins, and greens you need in a quick, ready-to-go way!

Join Patrick Moore and Hunter Labrada as they walk you through a monster chest and shoulder workout. After Pat's win at the IFBB California Pro Championships, he is focussed more than ever preparing for the Olympia in September. Follow the series for all the behind-the-scenes footage.
John Rich lost 10 lbs and 5% Body Fat

"I've never eaten clean and stayed truly dedicated for so long. I've had spurts of dedication for weeks at a time, but never tied diet, exercise, and sleep habits all in one for three months. I'm extremely proud of myself and all of the contestants.
I believe my transformation as a skinny-fat person to ripped should be a great indicator as to how much I have learned and provide motivation to another individual who is the same body type as me. With hard work, good nutrition, and great supplements like Labrada offers, your dream physique can be achieved."

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States