Hi ,

This week I learned another lesson on why it’s never too late in life to start something new.

Rewind back to 16 weeks ago, and my brother Gene, 48, comes into my office at Labrada nutrition and tells me that he is toying with the idea of entering a masters bodybuilding competition. The last time that Gene had competed was at the tender age of 19 as a teenager.

My first thought was, why did Gene want to do this? In asking him I learned that it was something that he had always wanted to do, and he felt it was unfinished business. After his first contest as a teenager, the busy-ness of life had taken over, and he had dedicated himself to becoming a successful personal trainer and raising a family. Now, he realized that the window of opportunity for him to compete was shrinking. I totally embraced Gene’s desire to compete and he started formulating a game plan.

This last weekend, Gene entered the NPC Branch Warren Classic, a regional bodybuilding contest held in Texas each year. He entered and won not only the Masters (over 35) division but ALSO the Open, beating out youngsters half his age.
This is an amazing accomplishment and just goes to show you that it’s never too late to start something, regardless of your age!

This week I want to encourage you guys to renew your passion for exercising. A bodybuilding contest may be too extreme, but set some goals for yourself, develop a plan of action, and work your plan! You can always improve. You have nothing to lose but your old self, and everything to gain – new confidence and a new you.

Make it a great week!
PS. Check our Gene’s video below
How to Naturally Fight the Aging Process

Let’s all be honest with each other, we don’t want to think about getting old. We all want to think we can live forever and that age is just a number. We want to be care-free and live a life full of energy and excitement. If we want this to be a reality, it’s going to take some time and effort. Now, most of our healthy habits are not difficult per say, but rather, they take consistency and dedication. Here’s what we need to know when looking to naturally fight the aging process.

How to Build a Champion's Chest by Lee Labrada

You want your chest development to be at its best so that you can look good on the beach or by the pool. If you want to develop a deep, thick chest, then read on. If I can do it, you can too.

Don't Make These 8 Muscle-Growth Limiting Mistakes

In the relentless pursuit of more muscle, we can often become our own worst enemies. Here’s a list of what I believe are the eight biggest mistakes that bodybuilders make.

Raspberries n' Cream Protein Popsicles

You won’t believe how simple it is to make these refreshing popsicles that contain no added artificial dyes or food coloring. Yes. That vibrant red color comes from freshly pureed raspberries that are mixed together with a creamy vanilla protein layer to create an equally beautiful and delicious protein popsicle.

Cain Cardiel lost 32 lbs and 13% Body Fat

"In the past, I would start a challenge but never finish because I felt I was not perfect with my exercise or diet. This time I knew I had to finish even if I wasn't perfect because this really is about a lifestyle and making better choices to live a healthier life.

There were definitely times I was having cravings for junk food that I should not be eating but realized my health was much more important. I knew that half of getting what I want is knowing what I have to give up in order to get it. This is a quote I still remember from Bill Phillips and has stuck in my brain."

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States