Hi ,

Today I read an article in the New York Times about the possibility of a gut bacteria supplement helping us to run faster. Researchers have found that elite marathon runners have a higher number of gut bacteria called Veillonella. Could it be that supplementing with this veillonella could help increase our ability to run farther? Initial animal studies are promising.

On a related note...

I know from personal experience that your gut "microbiome" (bacteria that sets up residence in your gut) can be a strong factor in determining your overall health. A healthy gut is tandem to a healthy immune system.

Some years ago, I found this out the hard way. I developed digestive difficulties and was diagnosed with colitis, inflammation of the large intestine.
Through careful control of my nutrition, I was able to heal completely. Today I am more in tune with my gut health than ever.

I would encourage you this week to consider some things you can do to improve good gut health...
Avoid foods that are high in saturated fats, sugar or flour to a minimum, as they increase inflammation. Consume more fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed foods.

Plus you may want to consume yogurt, kefir and fermented foods for their probiotic content.

These guidelines have served me well. Try them for yourself and see if you don’t feel better. I have a ‘gut feeling’ that you will! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)
How to Build a Champion's Chest by Lee Labrada

Not having been blessed with the "chest genetics", I had my work cut out for me. I had to train smart in order to create a thick chest, which is the foundation of the side poses needed to win bodybuilding competitions. Even if you aren’t into competing, you will want your chest development to be at its best so that you can look good on the beach or by the pool. If you want to develop a deep, thick chest too, then read on. If I can do it, you can too.

Don't Make These 8 Muscle-Growth Limiting Mistakes

In the relentless pursuit of more muscle, we can often become our own worst enemies. Here’s a list of what I believe are the eight biggest mistakes that bodybuilders make.

Sugar Alcohols:
Gas, Bloat, & Pain?

In order to remove sugar from all kinds of foods, the use of sugar substitutes has skyrocketed. See how these sugar alcohols could cause excessive gas, bloat and acute abdominal pain.


It’s summer and when it’s hot, who doesn’t like ice cream? What better way to cool off than with a macro-friendly Greek Yogurt Protein Ice Cream Cake made using our Lean Body MRP!


Matthew Wilson lost 25 lbs and 9% Body Fat

"At the start of the challenge, I was so winded after working out for 30 minutes and now I can work out for hours at a time. This has made me leaner, stronger, and healthier. Also, when I started the challenge, I was very nervous with my diet. I didn't know what I was going to eat, or if I would even like it. Following your recipes made my wife and I think of some of our own healthy recipes. This made me feel a sense of accomplishment as well closer to my wife emotionally and spiritually.

I can honestly say that this challenge has changed my life for the better in so many ways. My overall health has improved and the way I look at food has changed for the better. Nutrition is so important to me now and I no longer feel that I have to diet and that I have adapted a new healthy lifestyle. My transformation has inspired my friends and family to take steps to better their health as well. I feel better about the way I look and have gained confidence in the gym. I feel more confident in who I am as a person and as a husband. This challenge has improved my marriage and has brought us closer together. We now look forward to planning our future of being healthy and having kids someday."

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States