Hi ,

So I was flipping through my newsfeed today and I came across an article with the headline "Black Hole Revealed for the First Time Ever." The article went on to describe how astronomers, at last, had observed the unobserveable: a black hole, a cosmic abyss so deep and dense that not even light can escape it.

"We have seen what we thought was unseeable," said Shep Doeleman, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. So what was formerly thought to be impossible is now possible, right?

As I looked at the image, of a lopsided ring of light surrounding a dark circle deep in the heart of a far away galaxy, I couldn’t help but wax philosophically...
I was once a 16 year old kid with a dream of becoming a champion bodybuilder. At 5’6" tall and 150lbs, I wasn’t a very impressive physical specimen. I remember telling someone very close to me, "I’ll be Mr. Universe by the time I’m 24." They laughed.

And they were right...sort of. I became Mr.Universe at 25. I missed my prediction by one year. It all started by believing the impossible was...possible.
How many times do we short-change ourselves by thinking that something we want to accomplish is "impossible?" How many times have we limited our success by saying, "I’ll never be able to achieve that?"

If you put in the effort, you may or may not achieve a fitness or weight loss goal. We’re not always going to win. But one thing is certain; if you DON’T try, you will NEVER achieve your goal.

So this week, let’s reconfirm our commitments to our goals and let’s work the plan... the results might surprise you. And what you once thought was "unseeable" just might become very real one day.


In order to maintain your fitness lifestyle during trips, there are many preparations that you have to make in advance so that you can avoid missing meals and workouts. These tips will give you a checklist to have before you travel so that you can keep your gains even on the road.

5 Foods To Avoid
For Fat Loss
The only thing standing between you and your new jean-strutting self is a few extra pounds. But don’t lose hope. With these 5 foods to avoid for fat loss, you’ll get there in no time!
How To Keep Your
Muscle Gains Coming
To many, the concept of building muscle may seem mysterious. But really it is just like anything else you are building… One brick at a time. Click here for 7 tips to keep gains.

What if I told you that trail mix could taste even BETTER? Well now it can with a Lean Body Protein Bar! That’s right! Protein Bar Trail Mix is here and you WON’T regret making it!


Did you know that you can make a healthier ice cream out of your Lean Body Ready-to-Drink Shakes? You absolutely can. Check out this Lean Body Hack to see how.

Cain Cardiel lost 32 lbs and 13% Body Fat

"In the past, I would start a challenge but never finish because I felt I was not perfect with my exercise or diet. This time I knew I had to finish even if I wasn't perfect because this really is about a lifestyle and making better choices to live a healthier life.

There were definitely times I was having cravings for junk food that I should not be eating but realized my health was much more important. I knew that half of getting what I want is knowing what I have to give up in order to get it. This is a quote I still remember from Bill Phillips and has stuck in my brain.

Labrada Nutrition, 333 Northpark Central Dr, Houston, Texas 77073, United States