Hi , one of the benefits of working out and eating right is that it helps you to stay in shape so that you can engage in any number of outdoor activities. This past weekend, I had an opportunity to go skiing, in Park City, Utah. I don’t get to do this too often, unfortunately, but whenever I do, I really look forward to it. My wife Robin and I had three beautiful sunny days during which I skied hard and fast, without taking a single fall. Which is saying a lot, considering some of the "yard sale" spectacles that I’ve made of myself when I’ve wiped out on the slopes in the past.

"All of the
cardio that I’ve been doing must really be paying off," I thought to myself. On the last day, when it came time to take a break for lunch, I took off my skis and started down the stairs to the cafeteria. If you’ve ever tried walking in ski boots, it’s a lot like trying to plod along with concrete cinder blocks tied to your feet. All of a sudden I felt my feet slip on an icy step and my legs shot out from underneath me. Instinctively I launched out with my right arm and fortunately, caught my fall on the guard rail. I felt a sharp pain shoot through the muscles in my rear shoulder. Seems ironic that I would get hurt in the cafeteria of all places right? Go figure.

Come to think of it, you CAN get hurt in the cafeteria, or any other place you eat... not you, but your DIET. If you don’t know how to eat properly, then all of your time in the gym is for nothing. That hurts!

I get so many questions from clients all over the world about the proper way to eat. There are always new diets coming out, and it can all get quite confusing.

One of the more popular diets now is intermittent fasting (IF). Wanting to learn as much as I could about IF, I asked my good friend and world renown nutritionist Keith Klein to write an article on IF.

Keith has over 40 years of experience and has had success with thousands of clients through his Institute of Eating Management in Houston Texas. If you’ve ever wanted to know the pros and cons of intermittent fasting, I think you’ll find his article fascinating.

Let me know what you think? Leave a comment at the end of the article!


No matter what fitness magazine you open, what health chat room you belong to, or what talk show you watch, you’ve probably heard the term Intermittent Fasting (IF) mentioned. So what is it and is it something you should be doing? In this article, we go over a few IF basics and help you determine if it is right for you.

Don't Let Back Pain
Hold You "Back"
Your back is the foundation for any activity you do. When you hurt your back, you realize that it is involved in virtually all your movements. Know your body and take these precautions.
Knowing When to
Switch Up Your Workout Plan
Need to get excited about your workouts again? In this article, we’ll explore when is a good time to switch gears and why you should consider it.

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It's still a bit cold outside, so grab your Lean Body RTD and let's whip up some hot chocolate that is sure to warm you up and keep you on track!

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Seeing the immediate results in the mirror and on the scale was a huge motivation. I’ve never done any type of challenge like this before, so I wanted to challenge myself and see how much I can change in 12 weeks, physically, mentally and emotionally- in all areas of my training.

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