8 Steps to a Leaner Body

Summer might seem like light years away, but the season of pool parties, barbecues, and beach trips will be here before you know it. Here are eight easy ways to ditch extra flab and pack on lean muscle before the warmer weather hits.

5 Pitfalls Of Not
Getting Any Protein

5 Mistakes Holding 
Back Your Fat Loss

As the building block of muscle, protein is the most important nutrient when it comes to strength, repair, and growth. So what happens when you don't get enough protein in your diet? Keep reading to find out!
Are you trying to get lean but not seeing the scale moving in the right direction ? If so keep your eyes peeled for these five incredibly common fat-loss mistakes. Fix them today and save yourself months of trouble down the road!

This Weeks Video Roundup

Ultimate Diet Short Cuts
With Lee Labrada

All About Creatine
With Lee Labrada & Dr Dan

This week Lee delves into some simple strategies for making losing weight easier.
Lee Labrada and Dr Dan discuss the pros and cons of creatine. 

Breakfast Blueberry Protein Muffins

It's time we reinvent the usually unhealthy and overpriced Blueberry Muffin! Today we keep them DELICIOUS, under 150 calories, and packed with protein!

Yours for a Lean Body,


Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO of Labrada Nutrition