3 Ingredients Proven to Help Joint Pain

If you've dabbled much in any sort of concerted exercise regimen, chances are you've dealt with your fair share of nagging joint issues. Since joints are subject to a lot of physical stress, it's often necessary to medicate them. Give this article a read to learn about three tried and true ingredients to help improve your joint pain! 

7 Simple Strategies
to Renew Your Focus

5 Mistakes Holding 
Back Your Fat Loss

Do you have a case of the Gym Blahs? You know, when you're there physically but not mentally, or when your max effort barely hovers around 50%? Maybe you even battle to make it there in the first place. If so, it's time to renew your focus and amp up your motivation. Here are seven simple tips to help you in the cause:
Are you trying to get lean but not seeing the scale moving in the right direction ? If so keep your eyes peeled for these five incredibly common fat-loss mistakes. Fix them today and save yourself months of trouble down the road!

This Weeks Video Roundup

Ultimate Diet Short Cuts
With Lee Labrada

All About Creatine
With Lee Labrada & Dr Dan

This week Lee delves into some simple strategies for making losing weight easier.
Lee Labrada and Dr Dan discuss the pros and cons of creatine. 

Super Quick & Easy Cheesy Spanish Omelette

Are you ready to make a delicious breakfast in 10 minutes or less? This quick Spanish Omelette recipe is super easy to make, great for meal prep, packed with protein, low calorie, and it's super filling! Customize it however you want with different vegetables, seasonings, meats, etc...

Yours for a Lean Body,


Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO of Labrada Nutrition