How To Burn Fat & Build Muscle 

The fat loss process is for many an exercise in frustration, an endless quest for superior shredding that so often ends with the acceptance of mediocrity rather than results. This need not be the case. The ripped and chiseled look you've always wanted can be yours. And you need not traverse the depths of hell to get there. It's all a matter of consistently putting all the right pieces together over a long enough period of time and staying true to your mission for as long as you wish to look great naked (or near-naked on the beach or on the stage).

7 Tips for Getting Your Partner
on Board with Your Fitness

7 Strategies For Getting
Super Lean

Your adrenaline is pumping, and all you want to do is tell your partner how you killed it in the gym. Too bad she's about as interested in fitness as you are in doing your taxes. While we can't work miracles on fitness non-believers, these seven simple steps should help your cause
Achieving your best possible shape need not be a complicated business. In fact, by consistently following a few important rules, there is nothing to stop you from reducing body fat to low single digits.

1 Minute Mason Jar Omelette

Wake up late? Busy schedule? Just hate prepping food? Today we've got you covered with this QUICK Mason Jar Omelette recipe that only takes around a minute to make. It's delicious, healthy, and low carb friendly!!!

Transformation Of The Week

Behshad dropped a huge 27lbs lbs and 9% body fat and gained lean muscle and so much more following the Lean Body Challenge. Find out more about the Lean Body Challenge and how you can get involved below.

Yours for a Lean Body,


Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO of Labrada Nutrition