How Much Muscle Can You Build Naturally?

How much of your muscle growth and it's potential depends on your parents and your genes? How much of it depends on your hard work, exercise, and energy you put in at the gym every day?

1 Minute Double Chocolate Low Carb Cookie

Delicious low-carb chocolate cookies that take less than a minute to make. Are you sold yet? You might be worried about the microwave, but I promise you that these cookies actually taste like real cookies! Kill that sweet tooth without feeling guilty right now!

The Tremendous Transformation of Trei

Trei, a true example of someone with an incredible outlook on life, reached out to Labrada Nutrition after a year of severity to show his gratitude for our family of nutritionists. Over the past year, Trei has endured hospitalization due to the near loss of function in his kidneys, and the painful passing of a loved one, his brother.

It was due to this that Trei began to reassess his lifestyle, thinking of his son's need for a good example in his father. His journey began with a Biggest Loser challenge at work, which he went on to win with a weight loss of 43 pounds. He then continued with the incorporation Labrada Nutrition's products.

Workout Of The Week

Yours for a Lean Body,



Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO of Labrada Nutrition