Jan 21st 2017 | Issue #341


The biggest problem with protein, it seems, is deciding which proteins are best and when to include them for best results. It's an even more perplexing problem for the bodybuilding newcomer who has less information to guide his or her buying decisions.We all know that protein supplements significantly improve recovery and directly contribute to muscle growth. Now let's look at the best of the protein options and discuss where they'll best fit into your current training plan.

Though there is a large body of evidence to support creatine's effects as an ergogenic aid, research continues in order to answer some of the lingering questions surrounding the supplement's lesser- known benefits. 
Find yourself in the predicament of consistently hitting the gym and eating healthy, but still not seeing the results you want? The factors that may be hindering your progress are not always clear. Check out this article to learn more.

This Weeks Featured Products 

 Made with natural ingredients,
Lean Body® Protein Bars, are the perfect on-the-go food for the busy person.
Lean Body® Meal Replacement Shakes in a packet provide a perfect alternative to whole foods when time is of the essence.

How To Re-Write Your Perception of "Failure"

Understanding that "failure" is a relative term and how to deal with failure form a winners perspective is a powerful tool to ensure you don't ever allow failure to set you back in life. Watch Lee's video for inspiration.

Low Carb Muffins with Bacon Anybody?

Start your morning off with these delicious LOW CARB and keto friendly Breakfast Bacon Muffins! They're easy to make, packed with protein, and more than travel friendly since they taste just as good cold! Did I mention they only have 2.5 grams of net carbs in each one?

It's Wide-Thick Back & A Killer Chest Time!

Check out Team Labrada Kieran McBay's push / pull back and chest Workout for killer gains in both.

Happy New Year.

Yours for a Lean Body,


Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO of Labrada Nutrition