Jan 7th 2017 | Issue #339

I've always had trouble getting my calves and forearms to grow... until recently when I started implementing a few strategies based on research I had come across. Read on as we dive into four effective, research-backed ways to bring up stubborn/lagging muscle(s) and keep them growing.

Let's face it: there's never been a more perfect time in our lifetime to take action and get into amazing shape. With all of the information that we have on how to get in shape there is no excuse for not doing so. Throw your "excuses" out the window. 
Find yourself in the predicament of consistently hitting the gym and eating healthy, but still not seeing the results you want? The factors that may be hindering your progress are not always clear; check out this article to learn more.

This Weeks Featured Products 

 Amazing Taste , You Won't Taste Better with 8 Different Protein Sources and Essentially Fatty Acids
Lean Body® Meal Replacement Shakes in a packet provide a perfect alternative to whole foods when time is of the essence.

Everything You Need to Know About Amino Acids.

Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein.  In addition to L-leucine, which has unique properties, there are 8 other essential amino acids. These EAAs are very important for muscle growth and must be supplied in the diet since the body can not make them. Find out More by watching the video.

Your Chance To Make 2017 Your Year!

The Lean Body Challenge™ 2017 is now OPEN, and you can register here:

The Lean Body Challenge™ is a 12 Week Program designed to get you in your best ever shape by challenging yourself to meet your fitness goals head on. It doesn't matter whether you're male or female, or of any age, you can make 2017, the year you get the body you deserve. Watch the video below to find how what the Lean Body Challenge can do for you today!

Hi-Protein Oatmeal Breakfast or Dessert Anybody?

Eat dessert ANYTIME with these delicious Raspberry Oatmeal Protein Bites! Complex carbs, healthy fats, and packed with protein... what more could you want in a dessert!?

Anybody Want Powerful Legs and Killer Abs?

Can't beat a strong set of powerful hamstrings and quads, especially when you combine them with a head turning six pack. Check out Team Labrada athlete, Keiran McBay's routine below.

Happy New Year.

Yours for a Lean Body,




Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO of Labrada Nutrition