May 7th 2016 | Issue #304

Strong and durable is good, weak and fragile is bad. We can all agree on this, right? Kids, now more than ever, are participating in strength training. They do this in hopes of becoming physically prepared for their sport. Which brings up the question; is it okay for kids to lift weights?

"What should I be doing post-workout?" The oversimplified answer: Consume the proper macronutrients and supplements to replenish the energy you used, repair the muscle tissue you broke down, and increase muscle protein synthesis. Find out the full story.
Unquestionably, the one "sports supplement" that has been universally used is a protein supplement. Find out everything you need to know, including, when to take it, what type to take and why.

Until next time,   
Stay healthy and strong. 

Yours for a Lean Body,


Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO of Labrada Nutrition