March 5th 2016 | Issue #295

We have all been there. Sometimes you're just not feeling it and your workout suffers as a result. Here's a few simple tips you can apply to optimize your effort every time you walk into the gym. 

Why is it that so many people train their shoulders the wrong way? Do you limit your biceps, triceps or chest exercises by performing them within only HALF of the available range of motion? Probably not. Then why do so many trainees perform half-movements for shoulders? Check out this weeks featured article on correct shoulder exercise form.
This isn't going to be your typical arm training article. I am not going to go into a long-winded introduction about the need to develop more size on your arms. I'm not going to discuss how badly you want bigger arms, or how the babes go crazy for them. I am however going to show you how to add some serious meat to your biceps and triceps.

Until next time,   
Stay healthy and strong. 

Yours for a Lean Body,


Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO Of Labrada Nutrition