....November 14th 2015 | Issue #279

If you've fallen off the fitness train, check out today's' featured article and you'll find a full 6 week training program, fat burning diet and lots of useful tips on how to get back into the gym and stay motivated.

Just about everyone has heard about High Intensity Interval Training, or H.I.I.T. It's quoted as the panacea for virtually everything from conditioning to fat loss and much more.  But, is it all it's cracked up to be? Find out inside...
Most involved in the bodybuilding game have heard certain exercises can be designated for "definition" or for "muscle separation." All of these designations may be misguided... read on to find out more.

Until next time,   
Stay healthy and strong. 

Yours for a Lean Body,


Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO Of Labrada Nutrition