6th September 2014 | Issue #218
The Truth About Protein!
Will Brink breaks down the myths and fallacies about protein,  such as " do you need extra protein?" 

Optimal Training Strategies!
Check out Dr. Doug Brignoles strategies to maximizing your results.
What Makes A Champion?
Get inside the mindset of a true champion and learn what it takes to achieve your goals!

Want To Impress in the Gym?
Can't beat chin-ups for lat width, give Lee's tips a try to add a bunch more reps to your PR.
What Weight Should I Use?
Lee explains how to determine the correct weight to use to ensure you're training optimally.

Sweet Potato Slider Melts.
Easy to prepare, economical to make, boasting a balanced macro nutrient split and amazing taste - what's not to like?

Just add the coupon LEAN14 at checkout
for 10% off and a FREE Sling Bag.

Until  next time,   
Stay healthy and strong. 

Yours for a Lean Body,


Lee Labrada,

Founder & CEO Of Labrada Nutrition