Lean Body Challenge Winners – 2017


Congratulations to all of the Lean Body Challenge® competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not – you’re all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious.

It is our great pleasure to introduce The Overall Champions for the Lean Body Challenge 2017: Kate Teresi of Newton, NJ & Christopher Coblentz of Albion, MI. Both are the winners of a cruise for two to Cozumel, Mexico. Have fun, Christopher & Kate, you both deserve it!


Congratulations, Chistopher & Kate! Congratulations go out to our 1st Place & Inspirational Winners! Katelyn Meidinger, Stephenie Atkins, Kumiko-Katie Moore, Nicholas Baird, Chris Grover, Fred DiPrenda, & Timothy Buynak-Smith.

We also need to make sure to acknowledge the the following for their great acheivements.

Heather Clack, Rebekah Holmes, Bruce Wasserman, Trei Massie, Christine Merritt, Renee (Atigy) McCray, Diana Dabao, Deborah Sipes, Ryan Kain, Mike Haney, Jason Atkins, Michael Simpson, Loretta Hoffman, Julio Marquez, Robin Dunbar, Randy Vaughan, Caleb Taylor & Tracey Arritt.

We are so very proud of the LBC Contestants. Congrats to all!


Female: OVERALL & 30 - 39 Division


Kate Teresi
Newton, NJ
Kate lost 25 pounds  and nearly 9% body fat!

In the past I've tried to lose weight and get in shape. I've always had this image in my head of how I would like to look and feel. The cover models on Oxygen magazine have always been an inspiration and a wild dream of something that I could one day look like. But time and time again I would start out strong and as the weeks and months progressed I would lose all motivation, gain the weight back and forget what the inside of the gym looked like. This time was different. I'm not sure if it was my age and the maturity that comes with it, or the other habits I picked up this time around. The materials provided by the Labrada team were invaluable. The weekly emails, and especially the Facebook group, were resources I leaned on heavily during the challenge.

There were so many motivational and inspiring women in the group that it would have been hard to lose traction. Any time there was somebody that was having a hard day those women were there to lift them up and support them. I'm very honored to have been a part of this group. Jamie was the first fitness woman I started to follow and has serves as an inspiration for years. Her videos, articles and especially her recipes have helped me tremendously throughout the years and this challenge. Her kind and down to earth persona has always resonated with me and serves as an example of the person I would like be be.


Female: 18 - 29 Division


Katelyn Meidinger
Petawawa, Ontario
Katelyn lost 25 pounds  and nearly 13.7% body fat!

When the Lean Body Challenge began, I was a couple weeks post knee surgery #4 (with my previous knee surgery having been 4 months prior this one), so I knew I had an extremely challenging road ahead, physically and emotionally. The pain and frustration was very real, as being an active mother of four (5 years and under), used to having full control over most things, I didn’t anymore. Telling myself, “One day at a time, I’ve got this” and most importantly when I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore, “remember why you’re doing it and who’s watching”, kept the fire in my heart burning.

I am grateful and humbled to know those challenges have shaped me for who I am today. I am stronger and passionate for others to know that if you truly believe in yourself, you can accomplish more then you imagine. Showing others that the impossible IS POSSIBLE, is is the message I want to share with others.


Female: 40 - 49 Division


Stephenie Atkins
Lansing, NY
Stephenie lost 12 pounds and an impressive 10% body fat!
or me, this challenge made me realize I am so much more capable than I originally thought. It made me believe in myself again – that what my mom always told me as a little girl still holds true today: You can do ANYTHING you want if you TRULY set your mind to it. Not only am I more confident in the gym, but that confidence spills over in other areas of my life too. I love knowing I set a great example for my children as well.


Female: 50+ Division


Kumiko-Katie Moore
Las Vegas, NV
Kumiko-Katie Lost 7 pounds and 4% body fat!
My physical and emotional successes were similar to a roller coaster. I experienced highs and lows throughout this challenge. Just when I thought I was looking better, I would look in the mirror at myself and see no real positive changes. And when the scale didn't budge it brought much discouraging emotions. Eventually I learned to remove myself from the scale as often so I could focus more on how my body was feeling instead of examining myself every five minutes in the mirror.



Male: Overall Champion & 18-29 Division


Christopher Coblentz
Albion, MI
Christopher lost 31 pounds and dropped 12.5% body fat!

In the last six years I have gained 40 pounds... so I made it my goal this year to get it back off. I also focused on having a body fat percentage of less than ten percent. I wanted this to be the year that I would finally reach my goal.

Fast forward twelve weeks – I have pushed myself harder than I thought possible. I made training a priority and can count the number of cheat meals on one hand. I set goals for myself and I am proud to say that I have achieved them. Not only have I changed on the outside but I believe it has equally changed me inside. I'm a much better husband, father and happier person. I have developed a passion for health and fitness and enjoy the journey its taking me on. I am excited to share my story with others and hope to help them achieve their fitness goals!


Male: 30-39 Division


Nicholas Baird
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Nicholas lost 45 pounds and dropped 16.5% body fat!

I set out to challenge myself to stay disciplined and see the finish through, not to get in the "I'll do it tomorrow" thoughts I had been using against myself for years. I wanted to use the the Lean Body Challenge to not only get in better shape but to change my approach to my daily challenges in all aspects. The lean body challenge helped to show me that discipline can become a habit as anything else can become. The success I have experienced here is the platform for broader success in my daily activities.

Even though the challenge is complete this does not end for me. I am excited about how much more work there is to be done and I feel I can advocate and help others to get motivated and make their own changes!


Male: 40 - 49 Division


Chris Grover
Fredericksburg, VA
Chris lost 22 pounds and dropped 4.3% body fat!
I think my story would resonate with many people. I have never been a college athlete or professional athlete or personal trainer. I have been a cube dweller working on computers for 20 years, and I let my self just get out of shape until one day I looked in the mirror at age 41 and thought I am too young to feel this bad. It was time to make a change and through gradual lifestyle changes over a year and a half I have been able to turn around 20 years of neglecting my health. Our bodies truly are amazing if we just treat them right. I know and I am an example that anyone at any age can get into the best shape of their life if they just work at it a little bit each and every day.


Male: 50+ Division


Fred DiPrenda
East Hanover, NJ
Fred lost 24 pounds and dropped 17% body fat!
In a contest this long, every contestant is bound to come across an obstacle, hurdle or landmine. I don't think you can go 12 weeks without a setback of some sort. I set attainable goals and reached them. I was extremely strict with my diet, I sacrificed countless social events and work functions that would have sabotaged my diet. Also during the Challenge, I had cataract surgery so I was out of the gym for 2 weeks. I also had a herniated disc that kept me in bed for the better part of 3 days and out of the gym for another week !! My results are basically the product of 9 weeks. My diet stayed on point which was key. I counted every calorie, every macro at every meal.


Male: Inspirational


Timothy Buynak-Smith
Green Lane, PA
Timothy lost 23 pounds and dropped 12% body fat!

My right leg was crushed in an auto accident 3 years ago and can't bend more than 20 degrees. That make makes intense cardio and leg training a challenge. A doctor once told me to concentrate on the things I could do and not what I couldn't do. So I thought about the parts of me that did work well and how I could utilize them. I found heavy bag training and jump rope. Combined with rowing and 1 leg spinning, the fat cells had met their match. Most leg machines allow me to work with 1 leg or use my limited range of motion to make sure my legs don't get left behind.

I'm sure I won't be the leanest person completing this challenge, but I have succeeded in the goals that the challenge encompasses. I've lost a significant amount of body fat while building a better lean body. I love the gym and consider it a second home. I can't wait to get back and continue toward new fitness goals. I'm already a winner, but being a winner in this challenge would be icing on the cake!




Bruce Wasserman
Heather Clark


Jason Atkins
Christine Merritt


Julio Marquez
Rebekah Holmes


Ryan Kain
Diana Dabao

Mike Haney
Renee Atigy McCray

Michael Simpson
Deborah Sipes

Trei Massie
Loretta Hoffman


Randy Vaughan
Tracey Arritt


Caleb Taylor
Robin Dunbar