Lean Body Challenge Winners – 2016


Congratulations to all of the Lean Body Challenge® competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not – you’re all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious.

It is our great pleasure to introduce The Overall Champions for the Lean Body Challenge 2016:
Kristine Moreno of Kerville, TX & Wayne Jackson of Mt. Juliet, TN. Both are the winners of a cruise for two to Cozumel, Mexico. Have fun, Kristine & Wayne, you both deserve it!


Congratulations, Kristine & Wayne! Congratulations also go out to Katie Roberts, Brandalyn Byler, Jaclyn Moehrke, DJ Eulette, Brock Tidwell, Darrin Allen Hatch, & Larry Fedorak.

We are so very proud of the LBC Contestants. Congrats to all!


Overall & Female: 18 - 29 Division



Kristine Moreno
Kerrville, TX

As a stay at home mother of two, I feel that I could help inspire other moms. I want them to see that just because we're moms, it doesn't mean we can't have the body we want and live a healthy lifestyle. I want to show other women that we need to take time to improve our self-confidence and take care of ourselves. I also want them to see that by living a healthier, active lifestyle, we become tremendous examples to our children.

Kristine lost 15 pounds  and nearly 9.5% body fat!


Female: 30 - 39 Division



Katie Roberts
1st Place
Belleville, NJ

There are so many physcial and emotional successes, I doubt I can cover them all!
Physical success include: Being able to do all sets of my push-ups. When I started I could barely do 8! I also loved supporting all the other participants in the challenge. It was extremely rewarding.

Katie lost over 24 pounds and 7% body fat!

Brandalyn Byler
Honorable Mention
Albion, MI

I truly enjoy encouraging others and sharing what fitness has done for me! My fitness journey is full of both mistakes and lessons. But, one thing has remained constant is the way it makes me feel! It has a ripple effect that touches every area of my life!

Brandalyn lost over 21 pounds and 11.9% body fat!


Female: 40 - 49 Division



Jaclyn Moehrke
1st Place
Lake Mills, WI

Looking and feeling amazing is a great reward for completing my first ever Lean Body Challenge. I wanted to prove that someone in their 40s can still be fit, strong, and healthy.

Jaclyn lost 24 pounds and an impressive 9.4% body fat!


Female: 50+ Division



DJ Eulette
1st Place
Banning, CA

I feel great! I’m wearing clothes I haven’t in years- I’m addicted to working out and am feeling better than I have in years! I feel like I can accomplish anything and am determined to stay on this path to health and wellness.


DJ Lost 10 pounds and an amazing 11% body fat!



Male: Overall Champion & 40-49 Division



Wayne Jackson
Mt. Juliet, TN

Being in law enforcement, I would get up at every morning at 3:45am to workout before heading to work. Millions of people just like me think they do not have time to get into shape, but I am proof that you can find time. Despite my crazy schedule I was able to stay disciplined to finish the journey. I am going to keep working hard and continue to improve. Bring me to Houston and I'll prove it to you.

Wayne lost 15 pounds and dropped 8% body fat!


Male: 18-29 Division



Brock Tidwell
1st Place
Tomball, TX

For me it goes beyond the before and after pictures, and losing X amount of weight or making gains. It's all the little things in between that aren't pictured. I gave this challenge my everything. I gave it two-a-days, everyday without fail in the gym. I gave it Wednesday and Sunday meal preps, counting macros and weighing what seems like tons of chicken breast and broccoli. I gave it load after load of only workout clothes in the washer and dryer. I gave it a pair of destroyed earphones, and a handful of Icy Hot patches just to ease the pain. I gave so much, and gained a hundred times more. And, I would do it all over again, just to contnue to grow as a person.

Brock lost 20 pounds and dropped an impressive 8% body fat!


Male: 30 - 39 Division



Darrin Allen Hatch
1st Place
Rosenberg, TX

Unfortunatley, I have had a lot of fluctuation with my weight and appearance becuase I was born without a thyroid gland.  I have chosen to make my weakness my motivation. Fast-forward 12 weeks, I have never been this lean in my life. I will stay lean and never let this body go to waste. I want to be an example trainer, and motivator to help others be healthier.

Darrin Allen lost an amazing 23 pounds and dropped 9% body fat!


Male: 50+ Division



Larry Fedorak
1st Place
Burnaby, British Columbia

I feel at the age of 50, I have not only proved to myself that a lean lifestyle is accomplishable at any age, but feel that I can be a motivational force for others younger and older. I have thoroughly enjoyed every last minute of the Lean Body Challenge and have embarked on becoming a certified personal trainer and will continue to promote the Lean Body Lifestyle.

Larry lost an incredible 35 pounds and 10% body fat!