Lean Body Challenge Winners - 2015


Congratulations to all of the Lean Body Challenge™ competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not – you’re all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious.

It is our great pleasure to introduce The Overall Champions for the Lean Body Challenge 2015:
Becca Peterson of Missoula, MT & Doug Amburgey of Massillon, OH. Both are the winners of a cruise for two to Cozumel, Mexico. Have fun, Becca & Doug, you both deserve it!


Congratulations,Becca & Doug! Congratulations also go out to Cherie Roper, Jillian Adams, Tricia Willis, Caryn Dayhoff, Cindy Joy Mason, Tina Baker, Ricky Bova, Luke Peterson, Anthony Amoo,
Jonathan Drummand, & David Kergaard.

We are so very proud of the LBC Contestants. Congrats to all!


Female: Overall Champion



Becca Peterson
Missoula, MT

I fit into 2-3 dress sizes smaller than I was. My skin is radiant, my hair and nails have never been healthier. My energy, that is through the roof. Emotionally, I feel more balanced, kinder to myself and those around me. I am beyond motivated to inspire and encourage ANYONE who will listen.


Becca lost 17 Pounds & 9% Body Fat. Becca also shed several pants sizes.


Female: 18 - 29 Division



Jillian Adams
1st Place
Rolla, MO

I accomplished so much more during this program then I even thought possible. Reading back through my first essay answers made me realize how small my goals were and how big my results were.”

Emotionally, I broke the biggest barrier that I have ever broken in my life. I stopped comparing myself to other people.

Jillian lost 11 Pounds & and nearly 10% Body Fat!


Female: 30 - 39 Division



Tricia Willis
1st Place
Floyds Knobs, IN

My husband & children helped to keep me motivated. Their encouragements and desire to see me succeed helped out a lot. Also, seeing my children get so excited about exercising and trying to do exercises on their own, not only kept me laughing, but reminded me of why I was doing this.

Tricia lost nearly 9 Pounds & and 7.1% Body Fat!


Female: 40 - 49 Division



Cherie Roper
1st Place
Baytown, TX

I believe that the mind can be your biggest blessing or greatest enemy. I’m proof that in 12 short weeks, big changes can happen!

Cherie lost 15 lbs and an impressive 7% body fat!


Female: 50+ Division



Tina Baker
1st Place
Dubois, WY

“I feel great! I’m wearing clothes I haven’t in years- I’m addicted to working out and am feeling better than I have in years! I feel like I can accomplish anything and am determined to stay on this path to health and wellness.”


Tina lost 23 Pounds!


Female: Inspirational



Caryn Dayhoff
Mt. Airy, MO

Emotionally, I regained my confidence and then some. I have always been intimidated by other women and I can say that I am truly confident in my own body now. I no longer need to compare myself to others. And having alopecia (unexplained hair loss) I now have the confidence to encourage other women who are different and are battling diseases to choose their health by working out, thinking positively and eating healthy.

Caryn lost 10% Body Fat!



Cindy Joy Mason
Jacksonville, FL

In my heart of hearts, I’ve already been selected a winner by all those that have helped me through this challenge. I have achieved much success mentally, emotionally and physically and couldn’t have done it without this type of team effort. Well… pictures say a thousand words!

Cindy Joy lost an incredible 46 lbs & 19% Body Fat!



Male: Overall Champion



Doug Amburgey
Massillon, OH

Emotionally I felt like I handled the diet very well. In the past I didn’t let myself enjoy the journey as I was focused too much on what I couldn’t have, this time I focused on the positives.

Doug lost 28 pounds and dropped 7.5% body fat to his final 5.5% body fat!


MALE: 18-29 Division



Ricky Bova
1st Place
Fraser, MI

A leaner body and a leaner mind. I believe I am a firm representation of both of those changes. My transformation has done wonders for my image and self-confidence. I also dropped the old me, that was stuck on bad habits with no firm plan or consistency in life.

I really think that I have accomplished way more than I tought I could. I'm more organized, more driven, more helpful, more loving, and more determined. Which is what a true champion in life is made of.

Ricky lost 14 pounds and dropped 3% body fat to his final 7% body fat!


Male: 30 - 39 Division



Luke Peterson
1st Place
Sandy, UT

Now I have that feeling I wanted before where I can look in the mirror and not feel sorry for myself. If anything, I feel a sense that I am more in control and that I am not bound by what happens to me as much as how I react to what happens.

Luke lost an incredible 72 Pounds and dropped over 22% Body Fat!


Anthony Amoo
Honorable Mention
Blue Bell, PA

I was able to get down to single digit body fat for the first time since my sophomore year of college and was able to comfortably fit in size 36 pants again. Emotionally I felt extreme joy when I took my after pictures and compared them to my before pictures. I felt unstoppable.

Because of the number of friends & family, I have inspired many to begin their own transformation journey. I will continue to do encourage.

Anthony lost 44 Pounds and dropped over 10% Body Fat!


Male: 40 - 49 Division



Jonathan Drummond
1st Place
San Antonio, TX

A wonderful personal reward is that people at work noticed, and my success actually motivated two co-workers, one who bikes regularly, and another who now lifts regularly. Aside from achieving personal goals, maybe the most valuable prize is the satisfaction of knowing that others are motivated by one’s example.


Jonathan lost an incredible 32 Pounds!


Male: 50+ Division



David Kergaard
1st Place
Milton, DE

After taking the before pictures I was appalled at how out of shape I had become. The dim lights in the bathroom made me look pretty good for 67 years of age.

I know I can’t compete against a lot of the entrants, but I could compete against the guy I saw every day in the mirror. And, at my age the body doesn’t respond like it did 20, 30 or 40 years ago but it did respond.

I refuse to use age as an excuse for not being in shape. I took responsibility for my bad eating habits and I overcame them and trained harder than ever.”

David lost 22 pounds & dropped 6% body fat!