Past Winners - Summer 2008

Congratulations to the Summer 2008 Winners!

Congratulations to all of the Summer 2008 Lean Body Challenge™ competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not - you're all truly winners!

Keep an eye out in upcoming Coaching Club newsletters to learn more about these amazing individuals.

30 - 39 Division

Jason Stone
1st Place
Honosassa, FL

Jason lost 8 pounds and although unmeasured, he packed on some muscle tissue for sure!

Actually, I was motiveated by my wife, 3rd place in the New Years Challenge.

It was challenging to stick to the program, but quitting was never an option for me.

I am just a guy who lives with a passion for life. I know with the Get Lean kit and the Labrada products I will continue to improve and live life to its fullest.


40 - 49 Division

Doyle Hayes
1st Place

Haubstadt, IN

Doyle lost 27 lbs and 10.5% Body Fat!
He also shed 4 jean sizes!

The challenge I took upon myself with the Lean Body program helped me to not only meet my emotional needs but it motivated me to help others that are struggling with thier weight problems, in addition to losing weight and gaining the self confidence that I had lacked.

For the first time in my life, I am really excited and truly appreciate the art of bodybuilding. It is truly a science and something I plan on taking to a whole new level in my life and in lives of others.

50+ Division

Becki Cain
1st Place

Lancaster, OH

Becki lost 24 lbs and 10.8% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.

I am proud to say I conquered the enemy of "lack of discipline". It feels good to be rid of the weight that was a constant reminder of this. The success during this challenge had had a dramatic impact on increasing my self-respect and confidence.

Nothing stops the storms, upheavals, and responsibilities in LIFE that use up our resources but if we will use what we have, when we can, it is amazing what can happen. The change that can occur to a person's physique in just 12 weeks is simply incredible.

A simple thought motivated me through the challenge: I am not what I want to be and I am not what I am going to be, but thank God, I am not what I used to be!

To learn more about the Lean Body Challenge, click here