Past Winners - New Year 2005

Here are the New Years 2005 Winners!

Congratulations Keith Paul, of Knoxville, TN, is our New Years 2005 Lean Body Challenge Champion! Here's what he had to say about his incredible journey:

Keith lost 27 pounds and shed 8.5% body fat.

"As I began to shed fat and increase muscle mass, I got motivated even more to continue. I began to see muscles and veins that I had never seen in 31 years of life! I received many compliments from gym members during my transformation (that felt awesome!) One member actually called me a 'walking anatomy chart.' I have made an amazing transformation. I feel that I am the definition of what this challenge is about -- I set a goal and achieved not only the goal, but more than I ever imagined."

Congratulations, Keith!

Here are the rest of this Challenge's winners, listed by division.

18 - 29 Division

Ryan Kayne
1st Place

Wheaton, IL

Ryan lost 32.5 pounds and 13.6 % body fat.
"I lost over 32 pounds and lost almost 14% body fat. Those are just numbers though. The most important success is that I like my body now. Labrada has shown me how to lead a healthy lifestyle. The main difference of me now and me from 12 weeks ago is that I am not ashamed of my body anymore. I completely committed to this Challenge. I had to get up to lift before 5 a.m., then go to work, then college classes, back to work, then do cardio, then sleep. I had several days like that a week, but I never ever let it slow me down. The days that I wanted to stop I knew were the most important for me to keep going. Even if Lee's Challenge is over, it lit the spark that started the fire. I just want to keep challenging my fitness further. Thanks Lee!"

Ginny Sanders
2nd Place

Phoenix, AZ

Ginny lost 10.5 pounds and 3% body fat.
"I've been addicted to food all my life, and anytime I tried a "diet" I would fail because of the restricted temptations. During the Challenge, I made it my goal not to make it a 12-week program, but to truly make this a lifestyle change. I emotionally detached myself from food, and that is something I never thought possible. I made this a life challenge change, with an ultimate goal of not eating with my emotions. Many things kept me motivated to finish the Lean Body Challenge, but what motivated me most was just looking back at my past and seeing how far I've come. Two summers ago I weighed 250 pounds and I could barely make it up two flights of stairs without feeling very winded. I was only 18, and no one should live that way at any age. By completing this challenge, I could mark even more progress in my journey to a healthier life. Engrossing myself in the fitness and health world motivates me and reminds me how much I want to be a healthy person, and challenges like this keep me motivated and determined to be the healthy person I deserve to be. Even if I'm not selected as a winner of this Challenge, there is no greater prize to me in this life than my health, so I've already won."

Mark Doornboz
3rd Place
Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada

Mark lost 11 pounds and 4% body fat .
"The change I see in myself physically and emotionally is completely amazing. It's hard to believe that in 12 weeks, your body can transform into a lean muscle mass machine. I recommend anyone who wants to change themselves physically and emotionally to do the Lean Body Challenge. In reality, this contest is about determination, motivation, proper dieting and a robust workout routine. I accomplished all of my challenges set out for me in the beginning of this competition, and I think if anyone does that they are a definite winner"

30 - 39 Division

Keith Paul
1st Place & Overall

Knoxville, TN

Keith lost 27 pounds and shed 8.5% body fat.
"As I began to shed fat and increase muscle mass, I got motivated even more to continue. I began to see muscles and veins that I had never seen in 31 years of life! I received many compliments from gym members during my transformation (that felt awesome!) One member actually called me a 'walking anatomy chart.' I have made an amazing transformation. I feel that I am the definition of what this challenge is about -- I set a goal and achieved not only the goal, but more than I ever imagined."

Dan Brown
2nd Place

Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada

Dan l ost 12 pounds and 7% body fat, increased lean body mass by 5 pounds and lost 17 fat pounds.
"Some emotional successes included finally taking the time to set goals and sticking with them. This made me feel great which in turn spilled over into my relationships at home and work. I have become more positive in all aspects of my life, and I am really proud of what I have accomplished during these 12 weeks. Many things motivated me during the Lean Body Challenge. My children made posters to encourage me and plastered them all over the house. My wife was supportive of me daily. I convinced some co-workers to enter and watching them do well motivated me to do well. [...] Anyone who starts and finishes the Lean Body Challenge is a winner. I now look at winning as a product of hard work, preparation and a bit of luck. This has become a way of life for me and also my wife and kids. I realize that this is an ongoing, never-ending process. It is what you make it. I proved to myself that I can set goals and attain them. I am no longer 'scared of success.' I look forward to more challenges like this in all aspects of my life."

Karen Garvin
3rd Place
Oklahoma City, OK

Karen lost 9 pounds and 11% body fat.
"The diet has changed that way I will eat forever in order to keep the physique I have reached. Emotional success is knowing I can do it by keeping my mind focused and having determination to achieve my goal. Once in awhile, I would have the struggle of not having the energy to go work out. But once I started it felt great and built my endurance back up. The challenge was to really stick to the diet and keep the attitude that I was going to complete this.

I followed all the steps and had the motivation to prove to myself that even at 36 years old, a new program and a new way of eating and a new lifestyle can be a goal for anyone and can be accomplished!"

40 - 49 Division

Doyle Hayes, Jr.
1st Place

Haubstadt, IN

Doyle lost 25 pounds and 8.5% body fat.

"As the weeks passed by and with my new gained knowledge (attained from the Lee Labrada Web site), it became apparent that the physical and emotional changes were indeed coming alive. I would never have believed that such changes were possible, especially because I was not an athlete in my younger days. I always had a mental block about my abilities and capabilities and had to reach way down inside myself to accomplish my goals. My hard work and commitment made it possible for me to taste success and its sweet flavor. Now I know what the saying, "You reap what you sow" means! I am indeed proud of all that I have accomplished so far in my 12-week Challenge and plan on taking my accomplishments and new abilities to an all new level. The challenge I took upon myself with the program has helped me to not only meet my emotional needs, but it motivated me to want to help others that are struggling with their weight problems."

Al Brunette
2nd Place

St. Petersburg, FL

Al lost 14 pounds, gained 1 inch in his arms, gained two inches in the chest, lost 4 inches in the waist, and gained 1 inch in his thighs.
"After a spleenectomy and two additional surgeries due to incisional herniation, my stomach muscles were in pretty bad shape. Shortly after that, a back injury resulted in two herniated discs. I thought I would never get back into shape. The anticipation of the weigh-ins and measurements were great. However, the visual changes outweighed all of that. Physically my back has felt better now than it has in quite a while, which is allowing me to be more active every day. The Challenge takes a very regimented way of eating and exercise. Living in Florida, we are blessed with a string of guests during the winter months (which happened to coincide with the Challenge). Correct dietary choices during these times were my biggest challenge. I overcame them by helping with the meal planning and restaurant choices."

Armando Zacarias
3rd Place

Lake Villa, IL

Armando lost 12 pounds and 8% body fat; blood pressure went from 142/88 to 119/68.
"Taking care of your health is a lifestyle change. I want to be able to go to my doctor's office and see my blood pressure at a new low level. I want to be able to say, 'I did it! I completed 12 weeks of healthy eating and hard-pounding exercise.' At one point I got the flu and I thought it was going to take me out of my Challenge. I was able to shake it off with minimal loss. Eating healthy and having a good exercise program helped me shave off 12 pounds and most importantly drop my blood pressure from 142/88 to 119/68! This is a feat worth placing on top."

50+ Division

George Goff
1st Place

Flower Mound (Dallas), TX

George lost 21 pounds and 8% body fat, lost 4 inches in waist; went from not being able to finish running a mile to running 3 miles at 6 mph. George has been married 40 years, has 4 children and 13 grandchildren.
"I could feel a 'six pack' for the first time. Also, I couldn't believe my strength was growing so much at my age," says 64-year-old George Goff. "I have never felt so good in my life! The Challenge actually went better than expected. I was never really hungry and was surprised how creative I became on my own healthy recipes. This Challenge reminded me that a human being has to be in physical and mental struggle at all times in order to be at the top of their game. I have felt alive again and prepared to set out a plan for constant self development and improvement. It is the process rather than the end that sets up the environment for receiving the rewards that are uncalculated beyond expectation. I have to look in the mirror to remind myself that I'm not 30. In fact, I'm better off than I was at 30."

Bob Cropper
2nd Place
Newport News, VA

Bob lost 3 pounds and 2% body fat. This is his second time placing in the Lean Body Challenge.
"I find myself more focused, having put forth great strides in order to improve myself physically and mentally. I now take time for myself and my wife, dedicating every day to some type of physical challenge. I surpassed the goals I set at the beginning of this Challenge - my arms increased by 2 inches, my waist decreased by 4 inches, and my chest increased 1.5 inches. I've dropped 2 percent body fat and gained stamina I never knew I possessed! Thank you for allowing me to enter this Challenge again. The inner pride I have now and the overall physical appearance and strength gained has been worth the sacrifices made during the past 12 weeks."

Ralph Netzel
3rd Place
Franklin, WI

Ralph lost 18 pounds and 7.5% body fat.
"My blood pressure was high when I started. After about 4 weeks it dropped significantly. This was enough to put me on an emotional high. I also received compliments from friends, and that made me feel better about myself. I believe the 12 weeks gave me a goal to shoot for and now I am motivated enough to do more. I put my heart into this Challenge - I believe my appearance at the end shows that. I kept my goal of 12 weeks in sight and never gave up - no matter how hard it got."

Once again, we'd like to congratulate this years winners. Their hard work and determination are an inspiration to us all. Their efforts show us that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what stage you are in life, it's never too late to decide to make a difference in your health and physical fitness level. Armed with the right attitude and information, anyone can reach their goals.

To learn more about the Lean Body Challenge, click here.