Past Winners - New Year 2004

Here are the Fall 2004 Winners!

The Grand Champion for the 2004 Fall Lean Body ChallengeT is Dave Dunham from Staten Island, NY. Here's what he had to say about his inspiring and dramatic change:

"I absolutely love the changes I’ve made in my life. Being surrounded by delicious, high-calorie foods and not allocating time for exercise had gradually transformed me into the stereotypical roly-poly pizza man. I learned about diet and exercise from both Labrada Nutrition and from Lee and Keith’s Get Lean Kit, and it didn’t take long to realize that by eating healthy and exercising, I was dramatically improving my overall quality of life. Can you believe that others are asking me for fitness advice? I couldn’t be happier! Thank you Labrada Nutrition for improving my life!"

Andy lost 22 pounds and went from 18% body fat to 8% body fat.

Congratulations, Dave Dunham!

Here are the rest of this Challenge's winners, listed by division.

30 - 39 Division

Peter Szpakowski
2nd Place
Lake Orion, MI

Peter lost a total of 25.75 pounds and 10 percent body fat.
"WOW, let me just say that the results I have had from using Labrada products and following The Get Lean Kit have not only shocked me but have shocked my family, friends and even people in the gym. Two years ago, I went through a shocking and depressing divorce. As a result, I found myself heading in the direction of being overweight once again. I have gone from weighing 228 pounds and 18.4 percent body fat to weighing 203 pounds and 8 percent body fat! My 12 weeks ended on the same day as two local bodybuilding contests; I entered both – placing 4th in the novice and 3rd in the open! THANK YOU!!!"

Stephen Signes
3rd Place
Medfield, MA

Stephen lost a total of 27 pounds and greatly increased his energy and confidence.
"Wow, my changes could not have been any better! I feel great, carry myself better and have levels of fitness and confidence beyond what I had truly expected. I went from a super snug 36-inch waist to a loose fitting 32! I am wearing clothes I have not fit into in 2-3 years! My total energy level is sky high, and my optimistic attitude has returned! For that, I thank and the Lean Body Challenge!"

40 - 49 Division

Rena Doberman
1st Place

Bayside, NY

Rena lost 6 pounds and is now at 11 percent body fat.

"This challenge helped me get focused again and bring life back to my workout routines! I am now a size 2 again and much closer to the "six pack" that I want. Working out has always been a learning experience, a part of my life that provides me with stimulation and positive feedback. All I can say is thank you for having such a wonderful website like and making products that are healthy and delicious!"

Marc Azriel
2nd Place

Atlanta, GA

Marc lost 15 pounds and dropped 4 pants sizes.
"I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would have had the success that my wife and I have had from the contest. It has far exceeded our expectations. I will never forget the first week of working out – sore, sore, sore and more soreness. With a positive attitude and great strength and support from my partner/wife, I pushed through the pain and started to see incredible results! Not only did my attitude change in a positive way, but my confidence, self-assurance, cardiovascular fitness, concentration and focus has all increased significantly – and talk about the energy! Thank you Labrada for all you do to make health and a better way of life seem attainable!"

Mary Printz
3rd Place

Reading, PA

Mary gained her desired lean muscle mass and shed 9 percent body fat.
"This challenge has been an amazing accomplishment for me. Dealing with my vertigo and hearing loss had put me into a temporary state of depression. Life changing action was called for - and the LBC answered my call! The LBC was the tool of my success. It has not only made wonderful physical changes to my body but has affected a mental change as well. I was amazed at the results in just 12 weeks. I feel so much better about myself. Thank you LBC! I am a changed person!"

50+ Division

Michael Harris
1st Place

Okemos, MI

Michael lost 18 pounds of fat and gained 7 pounds of muscle.
"Success! Thanks to the Lean Body Coaching, Labrada Instant Breakfast, Lo-Carb Shakes and Charge!, I now weigh 155 with 8.6 percent body fat! I conquered my sedentary lifestyle and long commutes by working out at home - doing cardio in the mornings and resistance training after work. I am healthier, happier and stronger than I’ve been in my 57 years. Biggest challenge left – find time to buy all new clothes! Nothing fits but my shoes!"

Robert Cropper
2nd Place
Newport News, VA

Robert has dropped 10 pounds and feel better than ever.
"Working on this challenge with my wife encouraging me has been the best thing I’ve accomplished. I have lost weight and gained strength and muscle mass. Friends and coworkers have noticed the physical changes in me. Excited, my self-confidence has returned! Thank you Lean Body Challenge for your guidance and support. Revitalized and renewed, I continue to challenge myself to improve even more!"

Bobby Duhe
3rd Place
La Place, LA

Bobby lost 11 percent body fat.
"It took a lot of dedication and discipline to complete the program. Now that I have, I’m proud of myself and the fact that I met my goals! I finished the LBC weighing 190 pounds and did manage to lose 3 inches in my waist. Keeping track of meals and workouts made it easy to track my progress. It’s now become a routine! Thanks again for this opportunity!"

Once again, we'd like to congratulate this years winners. Their hard work and determination are an inspiration to us all. Their efforts show us that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what stage you are in life, it's never too late to decide to make a difference in your health and physical fitness level. Armed with the right attitude and information, anyone can reach their goals.

To learn more about the Lean Body Challenge, click here.