Past Winners - New Year 2003

Here are the Spring 2003 Winners!

This Challenge Grand Champion is Carrie Shipp from Dallas, Texas. Here's what she had to say about her incredible journey:

"I met every goal I set at the beginning of my Challenge! My stamina increased as I grew stronger. I weighed and measured my body fat every two weeks to evaluate my progress. My clothes became looser as the weeks progressed. The physical and mental changes inspired me to stay on course, my mental clarity sharpened and I could see that the proper exercise and nutrition were contributing to the great feelings I started having about myself. This is just the beginning for me!"

Congratulations, Carrie!

Here are the rest of this Challenge's winners, listed by division.

18 - 29 Division

Darrel Collins
1st Place
Plattsburgh, NY

Darrell lost 30 pounds and went from 20% body fat to 6% body fat.

"The true measure of success for me during this Challenge was not that I have changed so much physically, but my confidence has grown when dealing with my personal training clients and my life in general. I definitely feel that I now 'look the part.' I now realize what the human body is capable of. Coming into this Challenge, I was in the worst shape of my life, and now I feel like I can accomplish anything."

Kris Allen
2nd Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Kris lost a total of 17 pounds while increasing his muscle mass.

"I am blown away with the results I got and did not expect to see such a dramatic change in just 12 short weeks. I completely changed my diet, lifestyle, and workout schedule. Even if I don't physically win this competition, I still consider myself a winner, as I have met all the goals I set for myself at the beginning of this contest."

Eric Hupp
3rd Place

Nampa, ID

Eric went from 36-inch waist to a 32-inch waist and lost a total of 25.5 pounds.
"I used to eat and drink without regard to nutritional content. This Challenge has helped me change the way I view food. By working out every day and eating right, the fat began shedding away. For the first time in my life I have visible muscle definition. After seeing my before and after pictures I could not believe the difference and then made a promise that I would never allow myself to look like that again. I am very happy with what I have accomplished, mentally and physically with the Lean Body Challenge."

30 - 39 Division

Carrie Shipp
1st Place & Overall
Dallas, TX

Carrie went from 21.5% body fat to 12.8% body fat and down to a size 2 from a size 8.
"I met every goal I set at the beginning of my Challenge! My stamina increased as I grew stronger. I weighed and measured my body fat every two weeks to evaluate my progress. My clothes became looser as the weeks progressed. The physical and mental changes inspired me to stay on course, my mental clarity sharpened and I could see that the proper exercise and nutrition were contributing to the great feelings I started having about myself. This is just the beginning for me!"

Dr. George Tardibono MD
2nd Place
Oklahoma City, OK

George went from 26.5% body fat to 18.4% and lost 15 pounds of fat while gaining 3.5 pounds of muscle.
"Having accomplished these goals in a home setting without a gym membership, and in the midst of daily life, responsibilities, job and family, I believe others should be inspired to see that success is possible to anyone, given the proper structure, information and effort. No matter what the outcome of the Lean Body Challenge, I believe that I have accomplished a significant improvement in my physique and well-being, and consider myself a winner already!"

Joe Malek
3rd Place
Seattle, WA

Joe lost a total of 14 pounds and met every single one of his fitness goals.
"Over the last 12 weeks I have had some great learning moments in my life that will continue to help define who I am, but more importantly, to help those who are struggling with their uncertainties in life. I desire to be a part of Lee's mission to impact other's lives to help them achieve a healthy, positive mind, and a physically fit life."

40 - 49 Division

Frank Aguirre
1st Place

Phoenix, AZ

Frank went from 30% body fat to 18.2% and lost a total of 33 pounds.

"It is truly amazing how well I feel now that my weight is down. I feel so energized and teaching kickboxing is a breeze now."

Michael Camelo
2nd Place

Cape Coral, FL

Michael lost 15 pounds, changed his body fat from 26% to 11.5% and decreased his pant size from 33 inches to 31 inches.
"The change to my body and my mind is remarkable. There is no doubt that the Lean Body plan and Labrada products helped me achieve it. At 45 years old, making a commitment to a national contest was something that I needed to do to prove that I could change my life and lifestyle and follow it through to the end. Even with a few setbacks during the 12 weeks, I was not going to fail."

Kevin Saunders
3rd Place / Inspirational

Downs, KS

Kevin brought his body fat from 29.4% to 12.7% and lost over 40 pounds.
"The fact is, the formula worked! Initially, I couldn't even budge 70-pound dumbbells on a flat bench. Now 100-pound dumbbells feel light! Paralyzed from the chest down, I experience precarious balance. My abdominal muscles, hip flexors and leg muscles cannot stabilize me - so lifting weights presents an extremely daunting challenge. Nevertheless, the hard work, sacrifice and discipline were worth it!"

The Incredible Kevin Saunders - Our 'Most Inspirational' Winner

Kevin had just graduated from Kansas State University and had started a brand new job with the US Department of Agriculture as a federal safety inspector. On only his second day on the job, Kevin was working in a large grain elevator that was 30 feet in diameter and 100 feet high of solid concrete and rebar. It carried enough corn to cover an entire football field.

Suddenly, there were a series of 15 consecutive explosions and the walls in Kevin's elevator blew out. He was hurled 300 feet over a two-story building and landed on a concrete parking lot.

Kevin's spine was severed, an injury that would paralyze him from the chest down. Both of Kevin's lungs collapsed and his internal and external injuries were so numerous that it seemed impossible that Kevin would pull through. But he did..

Faced with a personal tragedy that would have crushed others, Kevin turned his life around and in doing so, has positively impacted the lives of thousands of people. Kevin was the first person with a disability to be appointed to the prestigious President's Council for Physical Fitness and Sports. He was also the first person ever re-appointed by the preceding President.

He touts the mantra, "Never give up!" and "If it's to be, it's up to me!"

Kevin's courage and determination are an inspiration to us all. Thank you Kevin for showing us what it means to be a true winner. By comparison, most of the obstacles the rest of us complain about seem small, at least in my view. What a difference the right attitude can make. Again - congratulations!

50+ Division

Michael Monetti
1st Place

Steamboat Springs, CO

Michael took his body fat percentage from 14% to 11% and lost an inch in his waist.
"I am very pleased with my final results, having met my goals by dropping body fat and increasing my biceps to 15.5 inches. I measure my success in this contest in that I am very pleased at what I see in the mirror. It is never too late to take control and get in the best condition of your life, even at 57! Thanks Lee for your encouragement and inspiration!"

Gary Bierman
2nd Place
Lacy, WA

Gary went from 17.6% body fat to 12.1% and lost 9.6 pounds of fat and gained 5.2 pounds of muscle.
"The Challenge taught me discipline, patience and confidence. I learned to be patient in knowing that results weren't going to happen overnight. As soon as I began seeing results, I gained confidence knowing I could complete the program. If you step forward each day and do something positive for yourself, you can accomplish anything. At 53, I can truly say that I am in the best shape I have ever been and I have more energy than I ever thought I could have. I am amazed how great nutrition, focused training and a dream have changed my life forever."

Earl Bailey
3rd Place
Canton, OH

Earl lost 22 pounds and lost 5 inches in his waistline.
"Thank God for the ability to set goals and reach them. During the contest I was hospitalized twice. Daily I could see changes happening in my body as I worked out. There were times I thought the mirrors were all fixed to make me look better, but people started to notice the changes and that was a fantastic confirmation. I feel better about myself and I am a winner!"

Once again, we'd like to congratulate this years winners. Their hard work and determination are an inspiration to us all. Their efforts show us that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what stage you are in life, it's never too late to decide to make a difference in your health and physical fitness level. Armed with the right attitude and information, anyone can reach their goals.

To learn more about the Lean Body Challenge, click here.