Past Winners - Summer 2010


Congratulations to all of the Lean Body Challenge™ competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not – you’re all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious.

It is my great pleasure to introduce The Grand Champion for the Lean Body/ Challenge: Amy Pulliam of Monrovia, CA. Amy is the winner of a cruise for two to Cozumel, Mexico. Have fun, Amy, you deserve it!

In just 12 weeks, Amy lost 20 pounds and 10% body fat.
Here's what she had to say about the experience:

"It is hard to put into words of how amazing I feel today. I am truly a new person in so many ways. I NEVER imagined this challenge would impact me as much as it has. I have confidence that I have never known. Energy that I have never felt. Opportunities that I have never imagined. And a future that I can't wait to come! Thank you Lee and Labrada Nutrition."

Listen to Amy being notified of her win!


Congratulations, Amy! Congratulations also go out to Jeremy Renton, James Fife, Charles E. Martinez II, Brandon Sheffield, Sam Lionelli, Kay Meak, Adam Whittaker, Ruben Ramos and Rick Cromer.
We are so very proud of them. Read their stories below.
Congrats to all!


18 - 29 Division



Jeremy Renton
1st Place
Simcoe, ON Canada

"My physical success is that I transformed my body and finally got the six pack that I have always wanted. My emotinal success is that I now feel confident enough to take my shirt off at the beach.

Seeing changes in my body and wanting to see the final outcome kept me motivated."

Jeremy lost 21 Pounds and 7.39% Body Fat!



Brandon Sheffield
2nd Place
Sioux Falls, SD

"As I progressed toward my goals, the person I saw in the mirror looked different every week. I almost couldn't believe how much of a noticeable difference I have found in myself.

Dealing with the sight of food on "snack-day" at work was difficult, however having my goals in mind was my strength. Throughout this challenge I have succeeded so many times and the feeling that gave me was incredible. This challenge really taught me most about self control."

Brandon lost 32 Pounds and 7% Body Fat!


Sam Lionelli
3rd Place (tie)
Ponca City, OK

"Being able to fit into clothes that I have been unable to wear for years was a great feeling. Throughout the challenge I have become more confident in myself and my physical appearence. Having succeded at something I was unsure I could do in the first place is one of the most rewarding feelings of all. Even though the challenge is over, I will not change my new lifestyle. I will now use this knowledge, strength, endurance and confidence to continue my new lifestyle and even carry over to other aspects of my life."

Sam lost 28 Pounds & dropped from a 42" waist to 36" waist!


Kay Meak
3rd Place (tie)
Maplewood, MN

"I was very focused for the entire 12 weeks, and seeing progress in my body motivated me even further. And after losing over 20 pounds, the hard work in the gym along with a clean diet really paid off. It truly worked wonders for me and I FEEL GREAT!"

Kay lost 21 Pounds and 11% Body Fat!



30 - 39 Division



James Fife
1st Place
Colorado Springs, CO

"The best part of the challenge is how good I feel now and the drastic improvements I have made. I have seen such wonderful results in my body composition that I'm going to keep eating right and exercising just as hard. I lost 20 pounds and over three inches off my waist alone! The other incredible part is that I actually increased my lean muscle mass and am stronger now than before I started. It felt great to tighten up my belt every few weeks until I finally had to dig through my old clothes for pants that fit."

James lost 20 pounds and dropped 5% body fat!



Adam Whittaker
2nd Place
Granger, IN

"I stayed motivated by seeing the changes in myself, not only physically, but mentally as well. I got lots of comments from friends and family on noticing my overall weight loss and my ability to stick with my goal.

I believe Mr. Labrada invests in these challenges not only to get people to try his products, but I think he truly cares about the health of others. I feel this challenge has made me look at things differently and will help me pursue my future physical goals."

Adam lost 35 Pounds!


40 - 49 Division



Charles E. Martinez II
1st Place
Gaston, OR

"There are really no words that can describe how much of an impact completing the Lean Body Challenge has made in my life! Over the past 12 weeks I have learned a lot about myself both physically and mentally. I have learned that great things can be accomplished with the right attitude, focused determination, and a sound eating and training plan. I look and feel so much better after shedding that extra 31 pounds, and learning how to eat healthy. Following Lee's exercise program has given me knowledge that will help me maintain my new physique and keep the extra weight off in the future."

Charles lost over 31 pounds and dropped to 9% body fat!


Ruben Ramos
2nd Place
Jal, NM

"Wow, I cannot believe it's 12 weeks later! The hardest part was my diet. I could not make a move without thinking about my next meal. The physical part was not too bad. I have worked hard my entire life, so the most difficule thing was timing meals and workouts where I could get the most benefit.

I have overcome the challenge set forth before me. I have grown so much in knowledge and want to share with anyone who wants to learn."

Ruben lost over 9 pounds and dropped to 11% body fat!


50+ Division



Rick Cromer
1st Place
McKinney, Tx

"I am a 55 year old grandfather who has been overweight and unhealthy for going on 30 years. I thought this kind of progress would be next to impossible for someone my age, but I found out that even though I might have to work harder than younger men, I could be proud of the great results I have had. I want to show my sons, my wife, and my grandson that I am not over the hill, but I am vital, healthy, strong, and happy. If I can do this, anyone can. I no longer depend on medicine to maintain my blood pressure or my blood sugar. I depend on a healthy lifestyle."

Rick lost 21 pounds and dropped to 18.3% body fat!