Past Winners - New Year 2010


Congratulations to all of the Lean Body Challenge™ competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not – you’re all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious.

It is my great pleasure to introduce The Grand Champion for the Lean Body Challenge: Jeffrey Hansen of Massapequa, NY. Jeffrey is the winner of a cruise for two to Cozumel, Mexico. Have fun, Jeffrey, you deserve it!

Listen to the audio below of Jeffrey finding out that he had won.
It is truly priceless and inspirational.

In just 12 weeks, Jeffrey lost 30 pounds and 12% body fat.
Here's what he had to say when asked what she wanted to accomplish:

“Getting on the scale every morning and watching the numbers go down was great motivation to stick with the program. In the beginning, the cravings were very strong for sweets. But I stuck to it and did not have one sip of alcohol, one crumb of bread, nor a piece of sweets.

I have stuck to the program through my 16th wedding anniversary, both children's birthdays, Valentine's day, 4-day vacation, and the toughest of all, Easter.

Looking and feeling amazing is a great reward, but winning the Lean Body Challenge would be the icing on the cake! (Which I haven't had in 3 months! LOL)"

Congratulations, Jeffrey! Congratulations also go out to Mike Harris, Abbey Lee, Matt Fitch, David Brown, Michael Monetti, Kurt Kiewel, Tim O'Neill, Cody Perdue, Kristin Coleman, John Yurcik, & Jennifer Bos.
We are so very proud of them. Read their stories below. Congrats to all!


18 - 29 Division



Abbey Lee
1st Place
Spring, TX

"Emotionally, I definitely had some ups and downs and there were always times when I just wanted to give up and have a glass of wine. Because, in all honesty, it is much easier to follow the fat lifestyle. With this challenge, I have learned to plan out my meals and how to order out, and the biggest thing of all, is to say "NO" to things that would hurt my successes."
Abbey lost 8.2 Pounds and 17.55% Body Fat!


Kristin Coleman
2nd Place
Alcoa, TN

"I completely dedicated myself to this challenge, and feel like I not only made impressive changes physically, but emotionally as well. It took a lot of blood, sweat & tears to get here, but it was SO worth it! I love the way I feel and hope to encourage others to lead healthy lifestyles. The Lean Body Challenge has really turned my life around, and I can't wait to start living it!"
Kristin Shed 17.6 pounds, dropped 6.2% Body Fat & 4 Dress Sizes.


Cody Perdue
3rd Place
Willards, MD

"My accomplishments in only 12 weeks were beyond my wildest dreams! Using Labrada products, keeping my mind focused on the goal and training as hard as possible everyday has allowed me to far exceed my expectations. While caring for my family and working 2 jobs, I've been able to lose body fat, gain muscle, become more confident, increase my endurance and become a stronger, better person in every way."
Cody lost 25 pounds and dropped 13.5% Body Fat.


30 - 39 Division



John Yurcik II
1st Place
Strongsville, OH

"I have changed my lifestyle 180 Degrees from last year and have gained confidence in all aspects of my life. I have incorporated healthy eating habits and great workouts into my life and the results are evident. With these changes as my calling card, I have helped others change their life. I hope I can continue to inspire more people to change their habits and live healthier lifestyles."
John lost 20 pounds and dropped 9% body fat to end the challenge at 4%!


Jenifer Bos
2nd Place
Shell Lake, WI

"I believe that I took the challenge for its true purpose: to make a positive change in my lifestyle. I set lofty goals and even though I did not reach all of them, I still truly feel I met my overall goal. I feel good and my physical appearance is so much better. I now have the confidence to keep going and to stay fit. This contest was to make a permanent lifestyle change and I plan on fulfilling that goal."
Jenifer lost 26 pounds & gained 7 lbs of muscle plus dropped 15% body fat!


Matt Fitch
3rd Place
Durham, NH

"The most important and meaningful success I achieved during the challenge was actually completing it. Proving to myself that I could do it in spite of the emotional and physical barriers that presented themselves. This tip is for those that find themselves ever wanting to give up along the way, because I too was in that position. Around week 8, Lee's blog hit, 'Progress, not perfection'. This reinvigorated me to push through my obstacles of my ailing back, weather disaster and family emergency, to finish what I started.
Matt lost 15.6 pounds and got down to 6% body fat!


40 - 49 Division



Jeffrey Hansen
1st Place

"Working as a Police Officer on the 4-Midnight shift posed some difficult challenges. Yes, what a challenge with the constant fast food, chinese and pizza dinners, not to mention the influx of donuts and coffee under my nose and in front of my eyes. Yes, the rumor is true about cops and donuts, we love them!"

Jeffrey lost over 30 pounds and dropped to 6% body fat!


Tim O'Neill
2nd Place
Strongsville, OH

"My Lean Body Challenge has come to an end, but my road to living a healthier lifestyle continues. This has been a very unique experience for me. At the start of the challenge I could not run due to pain in my lower back (from my surgery in '09), but I finished the challenge being able to run 3 miles twice a week. I had my fair share of people telling me not to complete the challenge to soon after my surgery, but I could not disagree more. I am close to the best shape I have ever been and feel like I have a new lease on life. My confidence is soaring and I look forward to continuing my transformation!"
Tim lost 31 pounds and dropped 8% body fat!


Kurt Kiewel
3rd Place
Charles City, IA

"Many revelations were discovered in this challenge, I had very high expectations for myself and found eating junk food ultimately caused me to feel like a failure. Feeling like a failure in-turn caused me to eat more and feel even worse. This could have been a devastating spiral, but I forced myself to think positively about myself and my progress. Frequently I would re-read and focus on my goals to break the cycle and get back on track. Honestly, prior to the challenge I never would have guessed how much mental fitness is required in order to attain physical fitness."
Kurt lost 17 pounds and dropped 4.5" around his waist!


50+ Division



Michael Monetti
1st Place
Supply, NC

"At 64 years of age, I would like to be an inspiration to all the people with the misconception that physical determination is a natural part of the aging process. I take zero prescription medication and keep up with men half my age. I am here to a make a statement that it is never too late to get into the best shape of your life!"

Michael lost 4 pounds and dropped to 3% body fat!


Mike Harris
2nd Place
Okemos, MI

"My challenge results should show everyone that no matter their age, their abilities or their physical problems...they can rebuild themselves and feel and look great again. I've had 4 shoulder surgeries, a back surgery, and a clavicle reconstruction...but thanks to the LBC diet & exercise program plus terrific supplements, I am in the best shape of my life...and at an age most are applying for social security!"

Mike lost 16 pounds and dropped to 7% body fat!





David Brown
Oxford, MI

"Before starting the challenge I always felt tired and had little to no motivation. As the challenge progressed and I began my transformation, I felt so much better and my outlook got tons better. I looked forward to my workouts and had the energy to go outside and spend with my three boys! All aspects of my life continued to improve..even my communication with my loved ones. Thank you!"

David lost an amazing 61 pounds!