Past Winners - New Year 2009


Congratulations to all of the Lean Body Challenge™ competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not – you’re all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious.

It is my great pleasure to introduce The Grand Champion for the Lean Body Challenge: Lisa Parker of Jacksonville, FL. Lisa is the winner of a cruise for two to Cozumel, Mexico. Have fun, Lisa, you deserve it!

MP3 File

In just 12 weeks, Lisa lost 26 pounds and 8% body fat.
Here's what she had to say when asked what she wanted to accomplish:

“I want to see that finish line! After crying when taking my "before" pictures, I wanted to have tears of joy when this is all over. I want to repair my self esteem by shedding this very physical baggage. My last relationship was emotionally draining and abusive. I tried the clich� changes...dying my hair, getting a tattoo, going wild to mask my pain...none of it worked. I finally decided to make an effort to change my attitude and my outlook on life. I've done well over the past few months, and feel like I'm taking better care of myself emotionally. I want to see that transformation that Ive worked so hard for inside, reflected on the outside. After a nasty divorce last year, I don't want to look anything like my old self. My unhappiness was reflected in my physical appearance and I've got to rid myself of that very tangible reminder. I fell different inside already. I finally feel like I'm beginning to change my life for the better... yet I look the same, perhaps even worse! I deserve to look my best. That is what I want to accomplish."

After the Challenge Lisa said," I've done much more in this competition than lose weight. Emotionally, i've become stronger and more confident in everyday life. My physical strength and new physique makes me a happier person since my overall health has improved dramatically. I am so grateful for this experience and what it has taught me about myself. I have a better understanding of being healthy and have made that a permanent part of my life.

Congratulations, Lisa! Congratulations also go out to Susan Hill, Aaron James White, Scott Ryan, Julie Oswald, Patricia Scott, & Gordon Price.
We are so very proud of them. Read their stories below. Congrats to all!


18 - 29 Division



Lisa Parker
1st Place
Jacksonville, FL

"There simply aren't enough words to describe the physical and emotional successes during challenge. Physically, I've seen changes in my body that I never knew were possible. I beat my own weight loss goal by 12 pounds! I am stronger in every aspect of my life. When I look at my before pictures, I don't even see the same person... because that person no longer exists!"
Lisa lost 26 Pounds and 8% Body Fat!


Aaron James White
2nd Place
San Francisco, CA

"I am amazed at the transformation that I have made in just 90 days. Before I had discover Lean Body, I would crash diet by dramatically reducing calories and eliminating snacks. I did not realize that I was actually slowing my metabolism. By sticking to the diet of 6 small meals a day, including oatmeal, egg whites, lean meat, vegetables and lots of Lean Body Shakes, my metabolism was in gear. My confidence has skyrocketed and I have even inspired friends, co-workers, and family to work out and eat healthier."
Aaron Shed 19 pounds and dropped 10.5% Body Fat.


30 - 39 Division



Scott Ryan
1st Place
Friendswood, TX

"I learned a lot about myself during the Lean Body Challenge but most of all I learned that with realistic goals, a good plan, determination, great supplements and a few tips from a pro like Lee, achieving a leaner and stronger body is possible in 12 weeks. I started this process with high expectations of myself, and really worked very hard in order to achieve the results I did. At times it was difficult to get to the gym, or not eat what everybody else was eating, but I knew that if I stuck within the guideline given to me I would have a good shot at really transforming myself."
Scott lost 23 pounds and dropped 8.5% body fat to end the challenge at 4.5%!



Julie Oswald
2nd Place
Mertztown, PA

"With three children, (Ages 11,2 & 5 months), and feeling pregnant for the majority of the last 2 years, I feel like this challenge has given me the confidence once again, in my ability to stay in shape and eat right. Through this challenge I have shown my family how beneficial a healthy diet and exercise program can be to help make you a stronger person."
Julie lost 15 pounds and dropped 7% body fat!


40 - 49 Division



Patricia Scott
1st Place
Cumming, GA

"Physical successes? I'm wearing size four of my fiancee's favorite outfit! (I started this challenge in a size 10-12)Now, that is worth a boatload of chicken breasts and asparagus!

All kidding aside, when I started, I knew I would finish, but wasn't sure of how successfully. I can tell you now, that I can do anything I put my mind to. I think I am the poster child for 'if she can do it, so can I' mentality

Patricia lost over 20 pounds and dropped from a size 12 to a size 4 dress!



Gordon Price
2nd Place
Lebanon, PA

"As far as I am concerned I've already won my challenge and continue to everyday. I've made the program a part of me and my everyday life. The 12 weeks are over, however I have my whole life to apply what I've learned over the past 3 months. Plus, I share the program with whomever wants to listen (I've just ordered 4 more of Lee's book for gifts!) I've learned throughout the challenge that for things to change I must change, and that you're either living or dying and I choose to live!"
Gordon lost 16.5 pounds and dropped 14.1% body fat!


Honorable Mention



Susan Hill
Honorable Mention
Shell Lake, WI

"I had an extreme body change and when I look in the mirror now I like what I see. I set goals in the beginning and achieved them and more. Now, with my success I have had to set new ones.

This was not only a contest, but a "lifestyle" change for I can begin the next phase of my life.

Susan lost an amazing 44 pounds! She also shed 10.8% body fat!


2009 Labrada Nutrition. All rights reserved.