Past Winners - New Year 2008

Here are the New Years 2008 Winners!

Martin Bolduc overcomes throat cancer to become the Lean Body Challenge champion!

Congratulations to all of the New Years 2008 Lean Body Challenge™ competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not you’re all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious.

Keep an eye out in upcoming Coaching Club newsletters to learn more about these amazing individuals. For now, it is my great pleasure to introduce to The Grand Champion for the New Years 2008 Lean Body Challenge:

Martin Bolduc , of West Vancouver, Canada!

In just 12 weeks, Martin lost 26 pounds and dropped his body fat to 5.9%.
Here's what he had to say about his experiece:

I am very proud of what I conquered throughout this challenge. In 2007, while I was suppose to be taking care of my wife during her prengancy, I instead was going through mulitple surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy to treat throat cancer. My wife was so supportive during my illness and throughout the Lean Body Challenge. Being named the winner of the Lean Body Challenge will be the best gift to my wife and son, who fought and accompanied me through it all.

Congratulations, Martin!

Here are the rest of this year's winners, listed by division.



Most Inspirational

Jansing Scroggins
Most Inspirational
Santa Anna, TX

Jansing lost 21 pounds and 9.15% body fat during these last 12 weeks of the Lean Body Challenge.

Once in awhile, a special Lean Body Challenge candidate comes along that we feel has overcome amazing obstacles and made such positive strides in their life that they get our Most Inspirational award. We reserve this category for just a few candidates and it is a special award to us. This time around we had a Lean Body Challenge candidate who truly moved and inspired all of us.

In May 2006 at an incredible weight of 320lbs, Jansing had ahead of him a very long road. Indeed, the destination at the end of that road – the body he always wanted – seemed a World away .

Now, however, after completing the Lean Body Challenge, Jansing is quite literally, half the man he used to be. Weighing in at an incredible and lean 175lbs, he is forever removed from the person and World he once knew.

While available to all, Jansing Scroggins made his claim to The Lean Body Promise, and Lee Labrada delivered.

Today, Jansing Scroggins is half the man he used to be, and a bigger person inside and out than he could have ever imagined. Today, Jansing Scroggins is truly alive.


18 - 29 Division


AJ Shunkwiler
1st Place
Spring, TX

AJ lost 26 pounds and 11.9% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.

I feel like a new person. There is a bigger bounce in my step and I can hold my head a little bit higher. I look forward to working out now.

Everyone around has noticed not only a physical difference, but also that I am just a happier guy. My whole attitude has changed in all aspects of my life.

I believe fully in the Lean Body products and plan to continue to use them to acheive even better results!


Lisa Gordan
2nd Place
Sanford, Manatoba, Canada
Lisa lost 6 pounds and 6.5% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.
The Lean Body Challenge helped me to adopt a completely new lifestyle. I made so many changes to my life and inspired other girls I work with to eat clean and exercise. The best part was I now have two training buddies that come with me to the gym everyday.


30 - 39 Division


Jeremy Adams
1st Place
Adamston, PA

Jeremy lost 34 pounds and 13% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.
I gave the Lean Body Challenge 110%. I sacrificed time with friends and family to work out and prepare meals and keep on track with the competition. People questioned my motives and wonder why I wanted to live such a strict lifestyle. But I overcame those doubts and pushed on.

My positive result are evidient in my "Before & After" pictures. What a great feeling! I took the challenge very seriously and I am so proud of what I accomplished.


Kerri Brugman
2nd Place
Jacksonville, FL

Kerri lost 9 pounds and 16.72% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.
Physically, I am stronger and have increased my energy level tenfold! I am able to manage the responsibilities of everyday life with much less stress and much more confidence. It's amazing how your physical shape influences your mentality in a positive manner.

Emotionally, I have become confident in my abilities and established a good sense of balance in my life. No task or goal is out of reach. I am enjoying the results of all the hard work, nutrition and determination and will continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle!


Sherri Stone
3rd Place
Homosassa, FL

Sherri lost 19 pounds on the Lean Body Challenge program.
I had my entire wardrobe fitting again halfway through the challenge. I felt healthier and my skin started to look healthier.

Also my co-workers, family, friends & physical therapy patients complimented me almost on a daily basis. I feel fantastic!

40 - 49 Division

Martin Buldoc
1st Place
West Vancouver, Canada

See Above: Martin was named overall winnerof the Lean Body Challenge New Years 2008!


Eric Matthews
2nd Place
Charlotte, NC

Eric lost 33 pounds and 7% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.

The Challenge judges will ultimately decide who wins; however, I think I'm a winner, regardless of the outcome, because I completed the challenge with a strong commitment from start to finish.

I met my objective of reducing my body fat below 10% and I have pictures of an amazing contrast between my "before" and "after."

The reaction I've received from sharing the pictures with some close friends has been more dramatic than I expected.


Don Eldridge
3rd Place
Folsum, CA

Don lost 40 pounds and 11% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.

I overcame emotional battles during this time; improved my health and am proud of what I have accomplished.

Looking at the "before & after" pictures, there was no doubt in my mind I had completed the challenge and had come out on top.

To learn more about the Lean Body Challenge, click here.