Current Winners - 2014


Congratulations to all of the Lean Body Challenge™ competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not – you’re all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious.

It is our great pleasure to introduce The Grand Champions for the Lean Body Challenge 2014: Anthony Thoel of Nashville, IL & Lisa Monroe of Helena, MT. Both are the winners of a cruise for two to Cozumel, Mexico. Have fun, Anthony & Lisa, you both deserve it!


Congratulations, Anthony & Lisa! Congratulations also go out to Jessica Forsyth, Laura Kelly, Sue Boczenowski, Wendy Bullock, Raul Nava, Kenneth Hendrick, & Raphael Netzel.

We are so very proud of the LBC Contestants. Congrats to all!


Female: Overall Champion



Lisa Monroe
Helena, MT

What an amazing 12 weeks this has been! I feel like a completely different person inside and out. At 31 years old and after having 2 kids, I can honestly say I am in the best shap of my life... which is incredible to me!

As a mother of a 3 year old and 10 month old, I understand how difficult it can be for a mother to make fitness and health a priority, but if I can do it, anybody can do it!


Lisa lost 21 Pounds & 12% Body Fat. Lisa also shed 6 pants sizes.


Female: 18 - 29 Division



Jessica Forsyth
1st Place
Mesa, WA

Many challenges were faced, but overcome. I learned to take one day at a time, and if things were just too crazy, it's ok to miss a day to get myself refocused.

I am the mother of 5 beautiful children, ages 8 to 1. My life to say the least is very busy and at times overwhelming.

I would love to help encourage and motivate other mother's that they too can take that step to live a more healthy and active lifestyle.


Jessica lost 9 Pounds & 8% Body Fat & 3" from her waist!


Female: 30 - 39 Division



Laura Kelly
1st Place
Lakeland, FL

This challenge has motivated me to stay on a path of healthy living. I want to continue eating clean and working out in hopes that one day I can compete in a figure competition, something I never would have considered until this challenge.

Although I can not compare myself to other contestants becuase I do not know their struggles, but I can say I put forth 150% of my effort and that I have transformed both mentally and physically because of it.


Laura lost 20 Pounds and 9.4% Body Fat!


Female: 40 - 49 Division



Sue Boczenowski
1st Place
Billerica, MA

The challenge has changed both my husband and my life in a very positive way, and I hope we can continue to set a good example for our boys. I plan on continuing to motivate and inspire others by leading by example.

I never would have thought I could have such defined muscles, but I am a testament that anyone at any age can make big changes. It just takes some hard work and determination. I'm feeling better at 47 than I did in my twenties and thirties!

Sue lost 9 lbs and an impressive 8% body fat!


Female: 50+ Division



Wendy Bullock
1st Place
New Waverly, TX

I love this lifestyle and what has meant to me. I want all LADIES over 50 to know it is not too late (even with bad knees) to complete a total lifestyle change to stay healthy.

Thank you Labrada for giving me a trusted workout program and meal plan to follow, because it really made a difference.

Also thank you Kelsey Byers for being so inspiring along the way. You stood by me and have been a real encouraging friend.


Wendy lost 11 Pounds!


MALE: 18-29 Division



Anthony Thoel
Nashville, IL

I can not thank Labrada Nutrition enough!!! They not only helped me with supplementation but also gave me the motivation to make it through this journey.

Mr. Labrada serves as prime example that anything is possible when you set your mind on a goal. Thank you Labrada for giving me the opportunity not only to change my mind and body, but also to use this as a building block to create a healthy life going into the future! 

Anthony lost 30 pounds and dropped 9% body fat to his final 6% body fat!


Male: 30 - 39 Division



Raul Nava
1st Place
La Porte, TX

I embraced the challenge full-heartedly, and have tried to spread to others the importance of eating clean and exercising.

This challenge has not only given me a great new physique, but has gotten me into the best shape of my life. Which as a firefighter is not only important to me, but also important to those I have sworn to help.

In my life, my family looks at me as the Lean Body Champion and that is for me the biggest prize of all.

Raul lost 14 Pounds and dropped over 9.4% Body Fat!


Male: 40 - 49 Division



Kenneth Hendrick
1st Place
Wantagh, NY

I already consider myself a winner because I finished. The tranformation of my body by losing 21 pounds and 11% body fat was a huge success. The physcial challenge was enough, but I am more proud of the discipline I showed with the diet.

The preparing of al the meals and eating every three hours was a job itself. But, I proved to myself I had the strength to do it.


Kenneth lost an incredible 21 Pounds and dropped over 11% Body Fat!


Male: 50+ Division



Raphael Netzel
1st Place
Franklin, WI

My main motivation came from my determination to prove that just becuase you reach above 60 years old, you are still a viable person, and should be treated as such. I turned 65 during the challenge, and I am giving hope to any other baby boomers out there to realize they can do it too!

Win, lose, or draw, I have won in my mind; I have proved to myself I still have what it takes.
I am one of the feisty ones, and proud of it!

Raphael lost over 24 pounds, 6 pant sizes and dropped 6% body fat!