Past Winners - Fall 2005

Here are the Fall 2005 Winners!

Congratulations to all of the Fall 2005 Lean Body ChallengeT competitors! Your dedication and determination to finish the Challenge has helped each of you make unique and dramatic body and lifestyle transformations. Whether you placed or not - you're all truly winners! Your added confidence is inspiring and infectious - and we intend to share your stories in the next few months.

Keep an eye out in upcoming Coaching Club newsletters to learn more about these amazing individuals. For now, it is my great pleasure to introduce to The Grand Champion for the Fall 2005 Lean Body Challenge:

Michelle Heibert, of Niverville Manitoba, Canada!

In just 12 weeks, Michelle lost 17 pounds and 8% body fat. Here's what she had to say about her experiece:

"I'm so proud of myself! I made a plan and stuck with it. The more organized I was, the easier it was to stay focused. I also noticed that the leaner I got the more motivated I was to go to the gym. I've always heard that women who lift weights get big and bulky, so as a result, they end up losing their feminine shape. But after completing the Lean Body Challenge, I have more feminine curves than I have ever had before. This routine has now become a way of life. It has not only affected my life, but also those around me. My family and I have really appreciated the recipes that came with the Labrada tips. Thanks to the Challenge, I have a new level of confidence."

Congratulations, Michelle!

Here are the rest of this year's winners, listed by division.

Most Inspirational

Once in awhile, a special Lean Body Challenge candidate comes along that we feel has overcome amazing obstacles and made such positive strides in their life that they get our Most Inspirational award. We reserve this category for just a few candidates and it is a special award to us. This time around we had a Lean Body Challenge candidate who truly moved and inspired all of us. Here is Paul Adams in his own words.

Paul Adams
Most Inspirational

Spring, TX

Paul lost 10 pounds and 6% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.

"I have never felt better in my life, not only with the way I look, but with my irritable stomach, [the Challenge] has balanced me out and given me a new life from so many different aspects. Going to the gym and lifting weights was, is and always will be a major stress reliever from all of life's troubles, problems and the many long, hard sleepless nights that I spend at work. It has helped me to be able to refocus my direction and work toward new goals, not only for my physical condition, but my overall mental well-being - all this thanks to you and your Challenge. You not only helped me to succeed with my goal, you helped my whole family succeed in our goals by all of us taking part in this Challenge as a family. A long story short, I was involved in an ambulance accident in 1997 that took the life of my patient and my partner. Two years following the accident I almost took my life, but thanks to Jesus, my family and the introduction to a gym, I began my long journey of learning how to live again and accept what lay before me. Your Challenge helped me to finally overcome and excel in achieving my goals.

The hardest part for me during this Challenge was trying to balance the meals and meal frequency with my job as a paramedic and my crazy 24-hour shifts. It is extremely hard to maintain this when you go to work at 7:00 and may never see the station for another 16+ hours, and trying to eat the proper foods to achieve my cuts, but to maintain enough mental and physical energy to make life-threatening decisions in an instant for my patients. The toughest part of it was coming home from work after being up at least 30 hours and going to the gym and having the mental function/focus to work out, but after about 15 minutes in the gym I would catch my second wind and there was no stopping me. There are not enough words to say how much I thank you for allowing me to partake in such a wonderful experience."

30 - 39 Division

Jason Harakal
2nd Place

Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada

Jason lost 12.5 pounds and more than 3 inches in the waist on the Lean Body Challenge program.
"At the start of the 12-week program I weighed 172 pounds and had a 32-inch waist. I found that at the beginning I could not finish an upper body workout of chest, shoulders, and triceps in one session due to exhaustion and lack of conditioning. By the end of the 3rd week I had dropped 2.5 pounds and one inch off my waist and was now able to finish my cardio workouts in one session versus splitting them into two or playing catch-up with body parts. During the next 6 weeks my wife started to really notice the changes in my body and realized how dedicated I was to finishing this program, as she had seen my previous "attempts" at getting in shape. What amazed me was how quickly I went from being barely able to finish a 20-minute session on the elliptical trainer to having to increase the intensity to reach my heartbeat target. I haven't been this fit and in shape ever. My size 30s are back on with room to breathe!"

Lawrence Magana
3rd Place

Chicago, IL

Lawrence lost 35 pounds and 10% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.
"All of my clothes fit so much better. It feels like I have a whole new wardrobe because I could not fit into half of them before. I actually had to go out and buy a new belt, and a smaller one at that, because my pants were falling off my waist. My strength and cardio are much better. I feel better, sleep better and look better. I am much more knowledgeable on health and fitness. All of these things together, plus the compliments and questions that I get about how I did it make me feel great. I can't tell you how happy I am that I participated and finished this Challenge. Oh yeah, the tuxedo that I wore at my wedding fits great! My compliments, my success, the way I look and feel - those are all my real prizes."

40 - 49 Division

Kevin Mitchell
1st Place

Downingtown, PA

Kevin lost 25 pounds and 7% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.
(Prior to signing up for the Lean Body Challenge, Kevin had a major arm injury requiring surgery after a complete tear of his distal biceps tendon.)

"When I began the Lean Body Challenge, I could barely curl 5 pounds for 10 repetitions with my right arm. Most every upper body exercise required me to use extremely light weights because of the injury and how weak I had become. In the beginning, I felt I'd never make a difference in my physique because I was not able to handle enough weight to challenge the muscles. But I did the exercises as Lee outlined, and workout after workout, I'd increase my weights a little. And then it happened! Instead of just moving weights, I was actually feeling muscles contract. Now the right arm that struggled to curl 5 pounds, can curl 50 pounds. How exciting! That's in 12 week's time! And that's just the beginning! Thank you Lee for helping in my recovery."

Stacey Mitchell
2nd Place

Downingtown, PA

Stacey lost 10 pounds and 4% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.
"My husband was injured in April. We are both self-employed massage therapists, and due to the nature of his injury, he was physically unable to work, and also to tend to his basic needs like showering, dressing, cutting his food, etc, for over 3 months. Needless to say, our lives turned upside down. Trying to maintain the business and the home and be my husband's caregiver has taken its toll. The effects of the enormous amount of stress showed up as exhaustion, a racing heart rate and sleepless nights. The heart palpitations that I was experiencing before the Challenge have ceased! My blood pressure was 102/60 at my last exam, and my weight has dropped 10 pounds. My body feels hard now! If I touch my quad or my delt, I feel a nice hard muscle instead of soft mushiness. I've increased my cardiovascular output too! I have more endurance and energy. I feel that my heart is so much healthier now."

Scott Wertenan
3rd Place

Spring, TX

Scott lost 40 pounds on the Lean Body Challenge program.
"I am on blood pressure medication and after 7-8 weeks (during the challenge), noticed that my blood pressure was getting too low. After a visit to my doctor, my blood pressure medication was reduced. Even though hypertension runs in my family I am still hopeful that continuing this lifestyle will enable me to be taken off the medication completely. Physical successes include getting stronger. Emotional success includes the recognition and praise from my family, friends and co-workers who noticed that I have lost weight and encouraged me to keep up the good work. . I have successfully made the healthier lifestyle change. I have not only succeeded in losing the weight that I had hoped to lose, but have improved my health as well, cutting my blood pressure medication in half. My attitude in life in general is more positive. I'm looking forward to next summer's family trip to the beach. I plan to incorporate more of my healthy food choices into our family diet so that my children will begin to learn better eating habits. I also intend to spread the word as I have been doing in the later weeks about the type of program I am doing and the fact that it is not just a 12-week Challenge, but also a Lifetime Challenge."

50+ Division

Terel Humphrey
1st Place

Spring, TX

Terel lost 24 pounds and 13% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.
"I dropped 4 inches from my waist, 1 inch from my neck and a total of 23.6 pounds. My blood pressure improved from 168/110 to 132/90. My emotional improvement centered on my increased self confidence, I am much more positive about life, my family and my career! The relationship with my wife of 20 years has never been better. I feel so much younger and have so much more energy that it ought to be against the law! I've become a true disciple of what this Challenge represents and what Labrada Nutrition is all about. I've learned how to eat much healthier, using excellent Labrada products to help me achieve weight loss and better health. I will continue to improve my body with exercise and proper eating for the rest of my life. This experience has changed my life for the better, and I can't express how much I appreciate this contest, which added a little additional incentive during those times of struggle and doubt."

Michael Harris
2nd Place

Okemos, MI

Michael lost 4% body fat on the Lean Body Challenge program.
"I not only built bigger traps and shoulders, I put on half an inch on each arm and gained an inch in the chest and almost an inch in the neck. Can you say new wardrobe? None of my old shirts will button anymore! I'm almost 60 years old - an age when most men are pushing around pot bellies and riding golf carts! I'm pushing around weights in my gym and I'm bigger, stronger and leaner than ever - and it shows. Gaining mass the hard way is pretty simple, but I put on 8 pounds of muscle at an age when just keeping it is hard work!"

To learn more about the Lean Body Challenge, click here.